the thirty-first friday. Halloween 2008.
today is the day… costumes and candy and all such crap connected… oh my… survival in bat country is to a degree perilous, to be sure, but rather annoyingly introspective… though maybe that is what older life is all about… the clattering of treats is threatening to make this a good weekend after all… pumpkin carving might be a good idea tonight with pizza… random real world interlude, there, I suppose… listen to the nightmare gothic Halloween mix as well… didn’t bring it to work, though, and I seriously doubt that I could manage to get ahold of it before the end of the day… gotta go to Radio Shack after work, but had a decent fast food lunch… there are few things that inspire hostility like closed-minded minions who think they know the world… distraction is the name of the game for the animals that play my superiors… tendrils that twist and twine around me and the inhabitants of my mind’s eye… all with the flavors and fetters of a real world psychosis, and an ocean of energy to suppress the will of others… trapped inside this intangible amber feeling with the only means of escape a deadly one… scary movies are in order for this hallowed night, but what?… have to check and see later when there is time… checking the clocks gives one only the most rudimentary idea of what the time really is… it always changes and is in the process of changing… never a steady moment of peace here… there was nothing ever frightening about this day, but that is what seems to make it such a pleasant period of time, the cohabitation of unseen forces which makes even the nights feel safer than usual… treated the trick, and won some candy for a damn good outfit and attitude… there is no time like the present, the gift that keeps on giving… passed out early to my distaste, and didn’t wake until now, how rude…
Posted by Friday on October 31st, 2008 in t for Tocsin.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.