the holy Leper con
dance like a fairy while drunk on the powers-that-be dripping trickles to treacle and bollocks broken in on thrills used by these people to be spilled those good times into the streets purged snakes writhing stakes claimed to shake loose all those fruits from their trees of ease and a comfort to participate cater to the frenzy of idiot proportions passing heavily from a reveller to the interested energy investitures involved that will haunt us the next days when vaunted overzealous approaches to drinking clears us of sanity to stumble blue and black and blinded by a rough gauntlet as initiates are pushed through to banish a terrible odd charisma enacting the few traditions we appear to enjoy left to and for us as this modern plague of convenience razed from the ashes from other maybe less developed cultures though this is only an unfair speculation attempting to define things as either this way or that when eventually found to be crock of shit and not pot of gold, but this never means we cannot participate even as gold seems a standard to go buy as new tasks to deride the compassionate side of any and all systems in order to add cold efficiency to the necessary rulership required by state laws which makes bureaucrats the contemptible swine they are fuddling with various applications of law bending the facts to personal truth from outside an overture of complications manifesting and forming despite heavy levels of complexity as colonies create themselves and wanting to punish those disrespectful with tortures exquisite but trivial annoyances delivering a frequent source for both honesty and tempting devils of lie and cheat to defeat the sick flaming souls ready for the hellish extremity that a peculiar feature of our mythos as overzealously forced a doctrine upon such a metamorphing realm of competitive goals, cutting up against that foundational stonework of society like a river constantly churning from the rock to the hard place and back again metaphorical like the myth of sisyphus in even the most absurd of aspects afforded by this reality as sensual as it is consensus trying to feel about the darkness without so much as a stumble while concentrating on grace with intimidating facts calling out the excuses saved up convenience in store for more than can be considered second in line thinking that staying ahead in the game to get the best of the best to draw dividing lines that would fragment and separate the bonding of familial intention out of character for a real match to sort out those of impeccable mastery to exit this domesticated world intact… burned or buried or locked away as wholly a relic of an aeon gone from fertile grounds of potential to fertilizing them to seed new ideas to include their conscious formal shape taking place within a personal space where individuals rising confirmed or denied as the fire severs by cauterization the cancer caustic planted by words and built a structure of hate inside one’s mind fealty to feelings betrayed by any animal overtones that do not abide a common civility making the shitty out to be heroes, and the heroes to be shitty status-stoics as standard by which we breed generations of sheltered bloodlines later to be dealt with for the egregious errors of illegitimate children that will never know where they come from as genealogical shareholders lose their grips on what reality could be as it solidifies into something unrecognizible except merely information to any inept or ignorant self-satisfied mess that takes their opinion way too seriously to be of any real good least of all well being the health maintained more for the superficial reward instead of an honest goodness meant in staying healthy wealthy and wise made into a proverbial catchphrase by our consumer-driven digestion the likes of which supposedly combine the nutrients with our juices to give sustanence, the blood from the wounds instead cast to spell out instant provocation for the cluttered fucks we hang around with thought morally reprehensible even when charmingly demure or devilishly simple seems to be too good to be true conflicting us because judging or questioning in a negative presupposition of truth are bitter pills to try making only those who question everything conform to this swallowing of abuse in so doing creates the pliable zombies half-dead already condemned by social order opportunistic and vain tying manipulation through drama to obey a version of truth sent to destroy if we want anything more than this…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on March 18th, 2017 in blogging, dark thoughts, l for Logogriph..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.