Seize us crisis…

i could write a bunch of these things in a cogent manner, words that is strung together with conceptions sometimes contraceptively put into the Out There we might conceive of as what i enjoy to calling the ‘bewilderness’ in all of its trifling glory, and in some ways defined as an obstacle to most as what reflects back when a belief becomes established enough as a personal source of a defense or deflection that allows the person an escape from even a particularly problematic situation or conflict… whatever the case may be as original thought takes hold once a shining novelty wears away to fading glow into the dull finish of something taken for granted time and again, attempting to present any sort of thing that can be used as an offering willingly sacrificed as credit or collateral to gaining whatever advantage might be attained Here, and where no gods have eternal strength if no one believes in what they create this goes the same for incorporated entities whom find their ideal world lacking when witnessed through a different lens than perfection… speechless yet able to write these phrases and elements from my soul slowly fragmenting like everyone else trapped Here it would seem, reflecting each other as mirrors through the social cosmos we live through now as solid spirits driven in overlapping directions toward a series of uncertain personal progressions on this journey of life living itself out for each of us, and all within a collaborative collapsible dream pumping ourselves for that vital fluid that infuses whatever we do with magic as it is inherent throughout the cosmos and beyond no amount of counted steps can fulfill without degradation of its essence moving forward… gracious baby steps taken carefully to tread lightly upon other toes, those that may not work quite as well with others as those would wish in order to retain a conforming integrity that creates a cohesive substance between all of us, and we shift so frequently among the faces as they relate to our situation of the current moment drawing the energy right out of us as though we were perhaps a tap so easily used to move the liquid moments into place to reveal what only a few of us in the room were thinking, but now a physical form presents itself as the representative avatar for this idea made reality often by motivations unbeknownst to anyone else within the same orbit of information vectors… from the ideal attempt at perfecting beyond the mental aspects that try to erect a structure from the conceptual heavy weight that has collected Here amidst all the material flotsam and jetsam beleaguering us like a fate whose strong currency is yanking the vague massive through the breach into this most certain novelty to arrive as another artifact in the multi-faceted nothing that is nowhere but Here remains even just a fragment retained, no riddles of riddling and rattling cages displaced by the beast who upon them laid waste to all those collections of experience and sensation written down by the few who could so eloquently speak them to others as well as themselves spending whole depths of time and space devoted to these ambiguous masters that play games with the simple mechanics that take people past few escapades to relieve their current state through the tumultuous chaos present in all periods of haste and wasted debate distracting the followers who idle by droughts of heavy wait attempting to silently wither both the individual soul and the collective one, and trying to exploit a rotted spark…

thanks, khet:/

Posted by :\_khet on August 24th, 2022 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, s for Semon..., world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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