Tell a Family, New clear Vision
the idiot boxed in with the rest of us Here where the umbilicus still hits us with a hot, pulsing meal from the abyss as generated and disseminated throughout this world by heavy hands that bare the burden no man would want to dare creating disbelief suspended in weights over our heads as theories string us along onto their thread a dense hologram the size of reality, and the scream echoes loud and wide into a rattling of the cage a little more than ever thought possible for such small hands to push against the walls trying to collapse this suffocating storytelling mode… what it chokes is the brain through subtle waves penetrating no matter the membrane as outer layer to skull and bones where there is no reinforcement can be offered against these radioactive fires alight in the social darknesses to which we have all succumb, built around to watch and play witness to shows that barely interact when compounded with commercial insult to brain-damaging injury as our pineal shrinks and calcifies like the rest of us in time to our dying heartbeat, and it hurts me to think of the many ways in which this scenario could be so much the different with television utilized in a manner more fitting to teaching and education than simply the daftness of cryptic entertainment spiraling out of control with subtext and content… the slivers of light can now come to us faster within the recent digital age where battle is being waged between the commercial forces as attempting to force us into place accepting their terms and rules of contractual obligation, edging a greater gap into an active dialogue of any ‘us vs. them’ kind of mentality striking our workers dead to their rights as people once that work bell starts ringing to dismissing all prior attraction to an outside world drained as the foolish kick off into gear their idea of beings in-charge lying and complaining with first world action uniting the deprivation the other third world of us feel in this, but is it simply being left for dead when all around us the universe keeps moving itself beyond reason or liminal hesitancy that the meek little animals keep defending as a hope against the extinguishing destination that all life seems to eventually have taken… gazing through screens, grasp for only the fraction of a moment…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 17th, 2014 in blogging, dark thoughts, f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., n for Nescience..., rants & raves, t for Tocsin..., v for Vetanda..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.