Shifting plates, the tectonic way.
it is truly amazing how the ‘essence’ can drain out of you, and you can feel it but there is no vision of this… how else can the main throwbacks and enemies of the day become anywhere near as powerful as they do?… it is through the manipulation of the informative quadrants of established communication that a breakdown occurs over time, subtly the mainstream of people begin to project walls into place to stabilize themselves, and to stave off offending memes that try their best to invade the programming within… that is why the manipulations and machinations of visual mediums has curiously twisted our development as humans… what one rejects through the pre-destiny of upbringing, may be later embraced as the mind adapts to the harsh influences that shape and mold these negative quirks of personality, and many get fed up with the raw and unyielding progress of consensual reality… hierarchy and anarchy create the teeter-totter pulse that drags us down and lifts us up, you could call that god, but it doesn’t track for any of the other details… god is such an ambiguous concept that to see a ‘face’ of god is to witness only one aspect of the greater whole… meeting each other at its basest level, we conflict as the particles of god both eroding and further redefining the boundaries of this structure, but we grow further attached to the labels and argue over the right meaning… this is the emotional kinesis that fires off cosmic energy, making tighter and lesser known parts of the whole work together, and these outbursts are unseen to most eyes… the reptilian inside of our culture sees things through that membranous eye, which humans can sense as a blind organ, but allows visions into deeper realms of meaning… as humans, we might have to fight to understand anything that isn’t handed to us first, and then fight with ourselves to manage the information well later… multitasking this is no easy feat, micro-manging the animal affairs with responsibility, keeping in mind both the reality and your own mad perspective…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on January 2nd, 2011 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, t for Tocsin..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.