…amidst mighty Tech, suss doubts warrant out…

…burdens upon human animals viciously lashed to machine as beasts straining to be properly unleashed Here we are the accessory fruit macaques have to pick up in order to afford to survive all the nuclear family fallout collapsing this wave into itself without hesitation wanting not waiting in the hasty urgent agency commanding us to start over as though this psychic melodrama were actually game theory with active participation plausibly explained that even children understand its physic dilated with angst while pursuing glory and complicating any further needed compromises by zealotry and authority crossing paths yielding poisoned aspects deteriorating humanity, humility subjugated rip framed recalcitrant torn between scenes especially with certain directive elements going haywire Here requiring to be reigned in dramatically time is derived from divinity though distinct forms emitted our time Here is precious as it is precocious alternatives altricial feeling out necessary ways to adapt properly as deemed by rule of the thickness holding us to our words true origins of the drastic drama diagrammed as programs quantum in subjective engines housed inside individuals built from wave/phase entanglement seeking human victims brains becoming quantum batteries while time itself is not divinity but our places within it is, dense with dramatic strings of theory harnessing as our distractions reinforce taught thought structures suturing our ideas closed elusive personal moments of revelation kept hidden for fear of being undermined in individual attempts at altering futures fostering doubts making every day surreal in trying to play these oppositional games in their standardized ways that evoke trauma primarily drawing upon near-phobic sources of pain translating harsh authority as therapy conditioned manipulation to domesticate newborn infantile minds into discretionary conformity spoken for by their parents on most accounts capable to conceive then able to raise the offspring thus generating more if successful… Here the bodies hit the floor chewing through the bits of gnarly melodrama occasionally occurring when vapid vivid forces insinuate themselves into situations collectively making bad names of possibly good ideas seeking out relevance in dark back alleys somewhere in the nowhere lost through remotest annals of recollection from dust-riddled points of creeping consciousness perspectives perverted by controversial materials incapable of being unseen once witnessed dementia between dimensions slowly setting in are civil twilight analogous to momentary reflections of sanity sundering heartfelt insecurities detaining lifeforms showing no proof for hitherto uncompromising ideals hastening the artificial apocalypse early as can be, beasts succumbing to unforeseen events sometimes depressed when failures seem omnipresent as much omnipotent disasters finalizing our inability to manage our own problems without the appropriate help taking charge and cutting us off at the knees handicapping our effective range of movement Here suspect strangers herding around concepts that somehow barely remain relevant as energy recycles itself functionally in different difficult to describe concessions of cohesion from matter and shades of intellectual property instilling virtue to walking slabs of meat procreating rapidly regardless of what genes contribute to societal decay never to be talked about out loud by offended parties, agitated grievances inconvenient for those bound by ridges narrowing their paths harrowing yet hallowed and revered for the experience being undertaken even with the minimum of token effort implied exalting our own personal stasis into echelons of status when applies best as though topical solution or folk poultice placed upon surface wounds saturated with ingredients of mysterious formula only nature can provide though few listen or remain aware to the nuances left to trust only gods we cannot do so with ourselves or each other expelling symptoms fragmenting outrageous fortunes relying on the path of least resistance to propel forward…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on November 14th, 2024 in critical concepts, practical theory, rants & raves, t for Tocsin.... You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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