Swing the cat.
there are few things that truly upset the balance beyond repair, and not all of those forces can be certainly localized to a specific root or location, some things do not have a correspondent on this material plane… this is only how it appears at first glance, though, and not everyone succumbs to a myopic near-blindness when it comes to our cattle prodding culture dominance trying to fit all people into some box… an objective categorization that would never effectively surrender anyone subjectively underneath the weight of societal pressures enveloping whole systems of inherent brilliance with subdued temperament and zomboid behaviors of the indifferent, we are constant in our need to strive forward, but always working on the competence for absorbing these lessons truthfully enough to make reality our own… the many will object to a loosed change at first, but the reception for the right way is always loud and strong once the ideal truths are weened out of the viewpoint by distraction, the pretenders are used as tools by the muddied water-dwellers waiting to leap from that deeply submerged cavern into which the unwary will be pulled to be devoured… merely a game to the triumphant to further distance themselves from the bloody glory evoked through this violent nature, the competition is provoked to destroy and refine the accents and openings to which exploited power can filter through, and taken advantage of the outside forces that think they have the will of the people in mind… perhaps making the others believe they have that intention at hand, but the truth is a trickier deal to work with than at first is revealed as true, not everyone has the opportunities that are necessary to understand all the pieces for the whole picture it creates as undifferentiated potential/ reality… the conquering slaves do not always know to what goal they are tending, toward their near side is the idea of stable existence that the other hand resists out of a rebellious plea, but does this condemn civilized thought always to the shackles of conflict and compromise of vision?… we trigger the finger response out of spite for our plight, wishing with symbols that we should really project at our own inadequacies, and this because we have difficulty acknowledging where our limitations come from in the miasma of our own reckless emotion… the signals of consciousness tear through our plagues of lifeless tagged and retail in packaged shelf life bad display scoring in the commercial game of fools that which we have been bothered to desire through direct projection into our heads from those filthy goddamned television sets cluttering the severe homeland insecure, we have been conquered by financial interests that come from no one in particular, but from the weighted burden that all of us have created to outlast this present reality… the game is afoot, my dear witness… there is abundance in the fields of our imagination, but we cater only to those retarded minions who fool themselves into thinking they have the power to stop it if they want to, however that is the lure in which to reel them all in… the doomed have their many uses, but generally are not all that smart until the time comes to learn, even morons can swing the cat by the tail… the siren serene as howls grow more unrelenting still, and the pigs take all that they can get and more until they split, very few people rarely ever talk with a grown-up voice… that balancing equation is too wrong of man as instrument of fate because therein lies the rub-a-dub, friends, we are more than meat but less than human yet… something difficult to confront as we make concrete the second circuit where the violent spirits of choked and dying alcohol victims transcend us…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on June 18th, 2011 in blogging, rants & raves, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.