…Smarmy charm fools only idiots…

…fluid dynamics between misdemeanor and felonious fits socially unfit trapped restless animals languishing out their sentences Here escaping through distraction as temporary autonomous zones foisted upon others when they are least prepared to party brilliance coming in mismanaged dosages as we progress through the processes we inhabit realizing with sudden starts and stops casting cretinous shadows upon how inhibiting the individual we may further game those bored of life generally out for something to pursue all the steps forward as forewarned by those thinking their size of things is the only way they can conceive of being innocence turned ignorance, misadventures inward idle impulses transferring power where it is needed or required to move surviving through haphazardous wastelands suspense with presence randomly setting suspect events in motion wondering what hazards await these bewildered travelers though with differing qualities altogether from their predecessors we could relate to because their circumstances are extreme reflections of ours sometimes on cycles of repetition before them word processors that came and went venting their own frustrations with the world as they knew it then still more life lessons to learn if only we had the time patience and access to those mighty memories yielding results, complications riddled all throughout this chain of deceit extending to dark ages indeed and by duty bound only by fact in spite of all administrative authority absolutely certain thinking their directions correct are digesting our creature features through conformity laced with poison forcing us to submit to these dying cycles having grown up with change surrounding our lives Here sometimes as under appalling conditions of wealth hoarded resource beholden to hundreds of years of social vampirism can get by on fading circumstance layers of sublimated and subsidized luxury clinging to and siphoning from their helpless victims for far too long… assumed some prince charming when really the prints of darkness negative space made flesh Here being human as possible in order to deceptively subvert expecting courtesy of our spectators playing willing witness unreliable second person narration to whatever calamity befalls us or close proximity of those in atrocious occasions siphoning us one at a time nature digesting us releasing juices that trigger unexpected mutations to manifest and intermingle phenomenal with our own pheromones and secretions though breeds unseen ephemeral ways that proliferate into unique patterns all throughout physical realms operating with genetic information programmed from unknown beginnings resting in peace, mangled pieces of mind sticking together these assembled strange variations having not complied by any given sets of standard in order to move further afield than dancing stray bullets of soft influence made to appear factual as much fictional to those people who freely exchange in friction by reason of insanity becoming bottom line Here no gallantry allowed just spectacle as everyone fends for themselves feeding off everyone else until absolution through those brutal mutual senses of honor and trust are forged genuine and truly maintained hopefully guided by principles and endearing collaboration diversely branching off excited though ignorant people, oblivious attempts forward naively idealistic though these moments are somehow capable of suddenly twisting emotions otherwise hoarding disfigured information while subtly fragmenting as multitudes remain advancing into extremity subjects tested to build these next social structures irrespective of environments retaining veneers of polite decorum yet so much remains underneath in residual harmful ways holding back default settings of faulty coping mechanisms desiring other persons unlocking whatever communities can be revived from ashes of resentment and difficulties excised ragged beasts intertwined and entangled within as writing artisanal anti-stories with anti-poetry to reveal how malleable our utility of words are constantly progressing…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on October 4th, 2024 in backwash, Miscellaneous, s for Semon..., world at large. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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