Sothic Cycles and Illuminated Fears.
our lives are made up of successes and failures in all differing opinions and states of faith and truth as we submit ourselves to balancing the subjective reality we live, and maintaining the objective reality that everyone Here seems to hardly tolerate at all, nearing the beginning of a new sequence of situations and looping behaviors as they combine into the transjective reality of the future… people seem to feel more comfortable in believing and thinking if their principles allow the knowledge of all or anything within their range of certainty, but there is not one readily available being who has access to any and all knowledge or so we think as we have lost track of those parts within ourselves as we have embraced many other ways to live that make more sense to us each in our own experiences as individuals, even as we exclude our full attentions away for the vital facts and issues of the moment with the belief that we can come back to our destiny is not so easy to make real in practice with all the modern distractions pulling in at one’s mental and physical resources all the time in this on-off universe of hemorrhagic cosmic confusion… are we god, do we worship a god, what is god?… but these are only a few random questions that are in there on the parallel timing cycles on repeat for us all to hear over the loudspeakers like the modern fabled parable or mantra that will take us to heaven if we trust in the message without figuring it out, over however many lifetimes it takes to learn the lessons of why we are and why we are without some basic information required in making better decisions, but perhaps it is because we are reaching out though disconnected from source even as we might perceive visions of a caring god… this is really supposed to be insight into ourselves as we get spiritually inner reflective as a species which contrasts against those aspects of ourselves that can reflect back onto others what appears on the surface, the first impression being the barrier/ gateway that brings any person closer to another person through personal relevance of information systems, and not all patterns make the same sense to all people everywhere even as culture seems to spend our life processes to advance the progress of its own gentrification for the supposed greater good of this human mission… a hideous attempt at deriding the natural order to things as the are, but Mankind’s manipulations open up their own kinds of negative revelation to the unaware and insightful alike, whether humanity is ready or not as individuals each reach their own levels of development differently while being in the same grouping as the rest of us altogether… we are not alike as we are all the same, but there are those who would wish us grouped and herded like farm animals meant only for labor and the occasional genetic mutation within the tight and confined realms of easy concrete explanations, a narrowed window through which to look though only those with Alice’s open mindset can escape through the looking glass keyhole thus created… we are pulled through the vacuum tube at an incredible rate, right up there with bytes of coding and the binary system that sustains at sub-atomic levels to engineer the environment from which this digital realm stems, but it is very crucial that more than a handful of this massive humanity makes the decision to shun the corrupt leaves shed from this particular branch of natural mutation… we have reached a point in universal awareness that such obnoxious constraints as fear and terror are not necessary except on the most jaded and indifferent of minds, not all of us as a community brought together in suburban nests of paranoia trained and engrained from an early age through which few are ever predicted to make it out alive, but it is required that we accept our terms over the exaggerated terms of others that may wish the individual harm or oppression… any individual who commits to these kinds of acts is merely a puppet of a larger stream of consciousness, and this person will no doubt benefit most clearly from introspection and examination of such elements if there is ever to be a true sense of hope, instead of the shallow and unforgiving core which denies honest compassion at every turn of the screw… the bastard niche which cancels out our earnest feelings with subdued consumer fetish of a questionable origin, Here we seem predisposed to a negative knee jerk in response to every form of stimulus packaged well or left out in the reign of the imbeciles, but we can always change…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on January 2nd, 2012 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., i for Ipseity..., rants & raves, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.