…ectoSartratic assumptions…

…to assume makes an ass out of you and me but how does one translate something there is nothing of familiarity to note in this homogeneous context failing to regard any disparate pieces as connecting in any way that makes sense or relevant Here hanging out amongst the littered debris and detritus coaxed out of industry trying its best to keep up there with the digital cloud shining brilliantly in the dimness of human stupidity bug-eyed and awestruck managing not to get too lost to maximize movement on the missions through this bewilderness moving such crude wandering souls overlapping trails, trials and tribulations consistent pendulous patterns of waves running against the shoreline defined by exploratory vessels long ago looked to for their bold focus undaunted to yield secrets from err the land to sea many mistakes were made upon the vast unknown becoming myths and compass points with which to guide rudimentary constructs of navigation into what it is today adding our applied collective ideals though very little hard evidence to assisting these pursuits with technology to further explore how these sciences can collaborate complementary with each other fabricating vital rational foundations upon which to proceed and assert logical statements of reality, chemical fillers additives combined in the food supply causing by-products including our bodies to emit other things even our scientists know little to nothing about Here or in their laboratories paid secretive work on multiple projects funded by unnamed sources for controlling our future inasmuch as those generations yet to come though fairly for certain they will have to experience things as objectively as we can do being mutations of what this is and means the experiential quest empirical forms of human doing what we do to acquire proof there is a purpose to these detrimental phase spaces of entanglement… signs or otherwise some statistical properties to denote we are close to what clear phases we were searching for while accumulating patterns routine and healed functional damage to manage subtle sleeping attraction and repulsion minding business as caged by working overtime awake and dreaming these casual containers of emotions that Sartre described hell as being held captive awaiting judgments as though doom sentences creeping with no one on hand to punish you just lingering shame what ones become deceased by their own hand for what has been done yet survivors’ guilt anchors those left behind fascinated by the scene provoked, immersive memories catalogued through our senses representing ghosts subjected to idiot appeals barging-in mutual dismay of assured dysfunction Here thinking strongly of the difference between shamanic persons in touch with real spiritual energy seeking resolution amongst beings and those as current ghost hunters embracing a visual medium easily as revision the old confidence games played contradiction that see humans perform such spectacular feats for money and fame creating attention vacuums in society where none before should be leaving dredge of emotional and material devastation sometimes masked through empowering principles recalled verbatim without sense of stagnant sensibility, and engaged with manipulations on many indirect layers once acclimated to this new-fashioned world roiling with enough heathen myth to engender suggested archetypes siphoning energies of their character aware beyond idolatry to bolster currents of passion requiring what variances of engagement are possible Here the normal people must be willing to engage in order to interact with anything while honing in over time on experiences shaping personal peculiarities of interpretation to transfer some of that vital essence onto others or one’s own individual journey too can be charged preparing for these hasty conclusions to become reality in the wrong hearts and hands…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on July 25th, 2024 in critical concepts, practical theory, rants & raves, s for Semon.... You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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