representative of Substitution.
what is this diatribe worth to me as i struggle with the conceptual and the literal coming apart at seams unseen until the tear is brilliant scar caused by the sacrifice made to this artificial autocracy of idle worship as puppet avatars of the greater Man that made this world in his image of the way that things should be, but the reckless specific of humanity does not care for the tainted lip service of a false god making promises that will not keep as time wears us all down to our last nervous fiber of energy, it is us who has the taste for this ichor of filth in mouth even as we claim godliness next to cleanliness to some extreme cliched faithless tips for living straight… which is next to impossible in this state of displaced ideas and the memes on parade through whatever means that are necessary to us at the period when an act meets its completion through the hands and feelings of humanity, and then it is always on to the next task without a moment’s hesitation ideally this should be how it works as we grow further from the ideal of humanity into the truth of humanity as active force for changing the tragic out for the better designs that will accept all people minus nepotism and the other unjust exceptions forced into leadership roles… all the real leaders are behind the scenes of the drama revealed as distraction for the idiot mass taking what is given, now such an enlarged massive of people these days as the idiot box has become a general anti-hero among all of the millions upon millions of couch potatoes who covet the televised demigod channelling all things they wish to control through the portal in their own minds, but this is no perfect systemic infection as designed by the disease growing beyond its means to gorge itself on our potential energy in order to expand past limits that a universal balance placed upon it by the time we ever got Here to dispose of the natural order… there is no substitute for the real but many tiny variations that the naked eye can only witness in the cumulative results branching out to hit the light, which is to say that there are many degrees of perception as well with insight into these human puzzles we can inhabit for only a short time indeed, but we only feel the limitations once we figure out what we are doing Here which is so important to us each in our own place from growing root to full blossom as only analogies fit… seeking to follow the regime that best deceives the sense of trust into fealty with those dominant and desperate ideals that shadow individual paths of a human being forced into paranoia and gauging reactions that are masked by assuming the bold and outgoing demeanor so common to the unaffected, lying through our teeth at the aural representative of reason floating by like the unseen presence of a ghost or poltergeist that can read our actual honest Self as it really is anyway, but we recognize these different cases as the people met to be reflected energy from our own internal mirror as we recycle what we do not want from the feedback loop without realizing we are being sucked in by both the plot and the stories as they work and writhe interconnected between moments of surprise and shock when the good news really strikes the people in the streets dead as the bad news stays and filters out the dread that lingers when the contemplation leaves a bad taste in the back of the head… the throat feels stiff and excessively dry to speak what isn’t on the mind as we peal faster like the soundwaves of the bell curved outward in chasing this ringing confusion all the way around unaltered by the actions in the middle of repercussion, affecting all the elements of life on this planet as we send ourselves questing for the answers for our misplaced heart and memories to find solace in the lack of apparent comfort created by all those other aspects of Self working in unison, but all lacking a clarity of unified vision that would make aligning our shared purposes so much more advantageous to everyone involved Here as we cultivate plethoras of ideas..
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on November 16th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, s for Semon..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.