the Stream of Consciousness
Thoughts are particles within the transmission of ideas, with the strength to radiate from out from the personal spirit, and words are used to reveal and convey the deeper meanings of these thoughts…The heart bends perspectives into various shapes and views throughout the ages that we exist Here, and bend the reality into our own visions, this is existence after all…Consciousness, as I perceive it, is the prominent gesture of surface reality that we day-to-day see, and through this we glimpse the external expressions of our thought’s deeper patterns…What else creates these things?…The flow of now is a powerful ripple of tensions bubbling to the surface, we all affect the stream as pebbles dropped into still water, and we leave ripples felt in all directions for short bounds….though some people use the universal energies to create potent aural gravitations…Riding the trains of thought, to leap out of the user’s mouth, and pass to another’s thoughts to create an understanding…Understanding of relative experiences to one another’s personal and internal references…Those symbols and concepts that reinforce the concrete of space and time, the stream of consciousness, though I might add, it is by no means a still pool….it only seems so in this stiff reflection making things solid…Moving through the ripples and into the now state…A state of being not necessarily well-spoken, but always there in the wings, waiting for the assistance to release the contents of the psyche…Sometimes the psyche reflects things about the human animal that relies upon it so heavily, and sometimes it is these ideas that become reality, slipping through the bounds of limited consciousness…What have we got now Here?…One of the strongest questions left unanswered, when our minds distance themselves from the fleshly forms we call ‘bodies’, and left to rot away into ‘corpses’ in loathing and disgust…A stream of consciousness is technically a thought-flow that is frequently noticed in the lyrical creations found in psychedelic rock from the past, but since that popularization, there have been many artists to have incorporated the influences of bands and ideas like that in their work….the perspective where it all seems to strain out at once…All the meaning and all the understanding all at once, but that meant the mistake of letting that become marginal and momentary, instead of a longer linear moment that comes to halt at the end of life…The consciousness dies, but only in the dreams of the body, the perspective floats back into the pattern while the energy flows into another form…The stream flows ever further towards the pool where it gathers to be still, and energy lingers around that, never from that which is material…Consciousness begins behind the masks…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 20th, 2007 in dark thoughts, khet's coroner, my art & dreams, rants & raves, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.