Artificial Dissemination

i do not know anything nor practice knowledge to be the ultimate of conclusions in this modern vestige of reality as the social engineering gathers momentum Here in a vacant vacuum suckling and reducing the rest of the spectacle down to its’ residual parts, much like a model skeletal membrane holding these organs intact and arranged in the order that allows for them to work together as an organism for this lowest organization of fact to the proposed highest inclusive orders to which we could ever belong as conscious beings relegated to purpose Here through the threshold to life, and it is Here at which we are forced to come to terms with our desires and habits as they define themselves through each of our life spans individually culled as these experiences gather into the summation of whole insight we might choose to become as though we could never be anything else… we describe the many different elements so easily even as we are selective with our participation in those few events taken to be the what we think we want to involve ourselves within because we follow our destiny dragging us through the mire, from the utter desolation of loneliness that triggers a deep-heated hatred inside of us to refuse others who may guide us to a more brilliant conclusion as the general glare of the multitude refuses us as we are, but soul is not solely harnessed to be embodied without limits as this takes away from the humble compassion that embraces every life whether there is conscious with understanding or not as many people seem predisposed to some sort of superstitious support and structure if there is no rabid drive to know everything that affects a person… a person who does not wish to learn words as tools will never grasp the power that words are often used to enforce worship of a higher authority without acknowledging how their mind is deeply affected by these behaviors, a wicked system has corrupted the once decent infrastructure that was once altruistic if only in the ideal among adherents even as supposed movers and shakers of this personified darkness grew overwhelmingly wealthy in the collected suffering of the human kind, but though knowledge may not be the final understanding it still is a powerful tool that must be utilized compassionately for humanity to embrace the next dimensions of a gaping reality…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on November 11th, 2013 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, d for Dysteleology..., dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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