immersed in Speculations.
what did the Man say when he began speaking on the authority as it figures into the deranged fragments both imaginary and real to some degree which can be easily witnessed by relevant human instinct as it flows out from under the relentless stream of bullshit that just happens to fill the airwaves swirling around our heads, being channeled through television and radio sets without any real understanding for what is going on even as it becomes readily apparent that SOMETHING is going on Here that is utterly beyond our total control as much as we would like opposite to be absolute reality, but this is the gray area where things warp and shift as the paradigm dictates through the oblivious matters without any single word forced into ears as the echoing resonance ripples to wrap and envelope us into a deep hesitation condemn through the standards of doubt and shame as emotional carriers into this fierce atmosphere tense with viewpoints from the captive peanut gallery frozen in case the camera turns to look at their plot in this mess where human writhe like chattel and swine waiting for the severing of their conscious opinion from the static person who is sitting there curious and unaware… the caring pleasantries have to stop because respect is earned to a great certainty like the slave wage enforced and abused by the self-policing populace, why pay specific people when everyone else is on the watch for the next miscreant to come around Here wearing the wrong thing at the wrong time like all victims these days where the evil money and greed infected branch of the working class is concerned, but the money goes toward making things get better and absolutely NOT for the sickening and dying of our world as was previously believed to be truth however sarcasm never translates too well in the personal writing necessary to the (fifth estate) blog space unless understand distance when the jokes remain as far-removed buoys floating cautious in the sea of filth that equates to perhaps a future landfill suburb near you no matter what form trash may take… we must embrace the overly-clean aspect of godliness with the dark and filthy realm sitting at odds in a position fashioning an intentional antagonism and spreading these ideals over a large mass of people to try to make subtle infiltrations into the substrata of this beast reality biting down upon the soft human flesh, but vital is the classic aim when trying to manipulate the tension that binds and tears us all as the pieces we really are in this fragile focal aspect that mirrors the shrapnel from the breakdown shattering this glass castle we have built for ourselves, a culture training us how to work together while saying we should be self-reliant individuals in the real world where we actually grew up for the most part under surveillance in the small town freak out for teenage things to either crawl out and tip cows in redneck glory or make fun of those people… there are those who walk the line between extremes who can be considered magical or lucky or blessed whatever your terms may apply, but these individuals are actually experiencing life in the gray area where it actually exists instead of either high or low ideal reality seems to represent through actions of others, that multiple balancing dualistic fringes exist at all shouldn’t be surprising as though money were blood running blindly underneath the crumbling lands we all dwell over when rage at thought for the future could ever be so easily set into place with any accurate precision from the world below… epic mystery that this holograph contains played out piece by piece as the inhabitants are left curious for the planet’s timing in an edging excitement bordering on frenzy where the atmosphere will show the audience we are participating and a part of all at once as a whole, the single person is the lone artist or interpreter of their own pattern of reality through time and space as this strange continuum calls itself, but the grouping of the individual counted as many becomes more than some biblical proportion revealed…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on October 18th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, s for Semon..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.