Something This Way.
either you have friends or are one of the friends, but whatever way it gets cut out, it is human compassion that truly needs to develop and grow to a matched evolution as credible as any material or intellectual aspect has thrust through the breaking dawn outside of this perceptual concrete that hides much beneath veneers projected out to quell the thoughtless maelstrom hypocrisy renders, and we need this to happen soon or there will be no where else to turn to in this hypercube popped and locking against a system all the while yelling out complaints so the magic “they” will fix the problems so displayed… determined to push past the shielded ploy that labels the self free as through its own accord impressed into this organic social machine as it is seen, but transfixed by the imposing obligations no matter how shallow because of ideas that it might reveal one as useless in the grander picture of it all even as depicted inside of the living lens situated on the reflective side of the mind’s eye, the key in ways to discovering/ uncovering the law of exception within the overlays that identity and persona open up into from the source of all things… growing obsessed with the odd advance of years as they march deliberate down the full stretch of time that might as well define us by linear standards, but which is itself not linear enough to get past our overcurious analysis of the what as we find ourselves defining reality in these little bits of formulas as they entwine and enmesh into a tapestry that very rarely ever gets pulled apart without some horrid aftermath inflicted by attempting premature rejection… and we pull away because of a revulsion buried so deep that it strikes a nerve very close to the surface feeling of this human mechanism into the core of our being, we may wish to embrace all those things that are anathema to us personally even though we find the filters are used to subdue harsh tenets maintaining rules Here that are skewed more obtuse than we may realize upon later impressions, but even to claim a solid grip on reality and the idea that humanity makes its’ own way as abstract form of progress there are still ways we contradict and indict each other on the basis of subjective bias framed in cowardly ways that mismanage information… the hard truths we cannot fit our minds around because they are so controversial that all these topics usually don’t cross the table let alone casual conversation, but maybe it is far more common than it would seem to be when all thoughts stray toward those outside forces which one cannot get away from as all forms are fundamentally connected, though words are barely the scrape of more than shavings to a greater question and answer sequence that many of us must pass through in order to receive a state of understanding that can surpass knowing… the trivial breaks down into so many sectors of experience and being that information can only be held where there is unlimited potential, through the darkness that might appear like a void there is but the light of sparking life as it grows wary awareness on its own to enchant a path beyond the imposed illusion as reality, and we build upon the steps of a personal temple capable of housing all our component parts of self required to make the sacrifices necessary to access more than just these purely mortal energies under the sway of unmentionable subtleties… in a cosmic donation to force exclusion of the undesired results culminating in the cycles of time and space that soon becomes the dragon chase game as desire and intent wane and exchange meaning in the making of life the more fulfilling, but even these games need losers and winners in order to fit predisposed stereotypes that we all have grown too used to in achieving goals and dreaming of further challenges to make us a part of it, the bored remain the same as the boring in their pursuit of the claim to create a scheme that makes these chains break and fall to the floor though sometimes at caustic expense of our own compassion and an awareness for others’ feelings while living in the moment… as we try to make these cycles each our own, there are always going to be many battles and confrontations that appreciate a focused attention for the gaining involvement to evolve as social reconstruction urgency in a system of varying agencies in place to solve the woes we face each day, but that is what we are told all along in the trailing lines that lay the tracks to eventually facing the pain as the train of thought hits us square in the ways that make us think… the stink of what we really are bleeds through the thinnest of membranes to this world as a deep gratitude is more difficult to maintain than a sour attitude used to drain the negative impact from work and whatever considered sane tends to be, but the dance will always go on whether the essence unique is looked to for sustenance or trust with the participating entities as coming and going on a whim on the wind, blown down and broken by the unforgiving and angular ghost that cannot be merely given truth to function as these are most subtle forces that cake and envelope these shells as we seem to reside within… writhing the resonating strokes of the bells ringing vibrate this whole banal reality through their mistakes and happenstance epiphanies as has reset the ways we try restating truth as panacea or proof against the enraged dying of the light moving to become the new days from old knights, forcing fealty to which includes only those with the fortunes to say choose the privilege that their path will continue on to destiny as prescribed by our forebears in cheap displays of interest and caring to which some are daring the system as it is to be wary of its shoddy workmanship, and we do not have to fear the ideas as they swarm like storms blown in by the wind as harsh and truly equalized thrust from which no imagination can be saved for last or finished by a perfect thing tested…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 2nd, 2013 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, rants & raves, s for Semon..., t for Tocsin..., w for Wasm.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.