Sanity’s sneeze.

walking amongst the other passengers on the life ship earth is not to be taken for granted, but you cannot take its variety of themes and moods too seriously either, there are enough shallow dead ends to make the living wonder what they are living for… the grinding needs to come to a halt every now and again, they would call these breaks throughout the day, and yet even then it seems like a monitored affair… people wasting their real time on this planet, an urge for some quantification some deified dollar that represents their productive time in material form, to make others suppressed by the weight of their guilt… culling the flock for a purpose beyond their means, that all seems so very old world to me, and the traditional cruelties make my skin crawl unconsciously… subdued by our own drive to move forward, but based upon what reason usually?… fear, whether fear of the known or unknown, but it appears this balancing act between fear and freedom is what creates that most universal of tensions… this is what makes people easy and difficult to train in the same breath, asleep in a conscious form picking up the cosmic radio flow of signals and symbols, but the transmitter doesn’t necessarily have to tell us what it is trying to do Here… we move like ants before the grandiose sway of ideal and far-reaching titans, the aliens looking down upon their machinery with a syphoning of the emotional energies with which we tag each other, but too many times we see the by-product of these interactions even as we do not seem to have a static or physical landmark to show us the way… the tenderness of feelings affect these logical “air” spirits or angels, and we are a collection of packages of genetic and spiritual information, with forms ascended from the earth chiseled into shape by the forces-that-be… we are human because of our animal and alien parts, pulled through this linear continuum as experienced by all participants, but with quizzical expressions upon our adroit faces as we reveal to ourselves the splendid ending… we are the spectrum born into being, each a vital position in dire need of motion, but this dynamism changes as we live through the minutia of each self at once… though there are further subtle details behind the scenes we approach to then devour, something that fuels or deprives these elements that endeavor to create, but these foundations are not meant for the naked senses… rather defined for the spiritual centers that drive one towards the destination, not merely the pull of physical space and time, but the inhuman qualities of fire and water as they spin the wheels around through the ups and downs of the life everlasting… the purposeless get weened out from the raven’s wing black of culture, a shadow stretching without bounds, but lies closer to the surface flying over the primordial pool searching out pieces of the dream to be realized again… the nightmares are resistance, mind and body in an emotional tug of war, but the resistance is futile because we must all learn to incorporate both sides of the struggle… to assimilate the whole of two evils eventually, whether we get there of our own determination, or are lead there by the subconscious will moving its pieces into place all over the board… no boundary will remain intact as it ever was previously… humanity was always meant to mutate…

Posted by :\_khet on March 21st, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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