reigning jesus writardando-si-does-it…

no savior to save one’s own from the edge of oblivion as civilization under the sway of religion begins to plunge head-first into errors of dinosaur existence we observe was an actual part of the story Here along the points preceding us as the psychic vampires and zombies we are tonight stalking the dark streets looking for a good time wherever that may be as the hustle moves through cities and towns as on the timing of a strange cosmic currency electric and acoustic that stirs the soul from captive complacency taking our experiences for granted when we shame the superficial constraints of this mock harmony, a joke taken to epic proportions that riddles the system thus created with those great unanswered questions leaving us to quest further inside of our own ideas of meaning and following orders utilized to arrest a stillness from us as the individuals so we might ooze collectively and predictably like nature shows sitting turned on to a blank audience prone to absorb little of the actual messages coming beyond that would imbue understanding upon those whom would choose to step forth and back to know the truth behind this existence currently gone in a direction that some might consider as ‘corrupted’, but is merely another stage in this evolving chrysalis of humanity trying to become more maybe where consciousness has set a particular genetic standard than we were always hoping would change us into our images of personal gods somehow appeasing a deeper spiritual imagination playing with symbols that leads us to friction in stubborn dimensions as though trying to fit our beliefs into a box that few will ever see for what it truly is while it lives and breathes… psychic hearts trapped inside clutching the embrace of fate as displayed with affection when the romantic urge sets future needs ahead of the present as a packaged commodity to be bought and sold without explanation and shat out like any other product assembled autonomously in dark places where no light can penetrate until that death occurs as inevitable as the cure to a disease whether any of them used to please each other often in the sinister silence as the fevers of illness bloom, spreading a trail blistering and hemorrhaging down underneath these animal hides of Mankind’s dread as large as grotesque as the plague itself in unwinding tendrils of pestilence all throughout the tender human skins panicked and running away for some nonsense higher ground to save them from this insanity taking vile humanity to safety even when society hates us all, but aren’t all the controlling interests maintained to cause change in this bewildering chaos tight in its grip that will not yield to just a few words trying to conceal these self-evident truths surrounding like a wall of proof against any mention of ‘open sesame’ to pry loose the jaws of a contained monster that holds the old trinkets of a glory and relevant honor requiring open minds while not so for our sedating paste of idolized dreams made of perfect missions and jobs well done?…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on September 12th, 2015 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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