Sixth day regrets.
what to say?… that hasn’t already been said… the slacker revolution will never occur without bloody violence to provoke the laziest minded among us to move, and it is through this randomizing stereotype of battles and faked engaged conflict, that people are trained to act in a panic that would have otherwise lead to total havoc and mayhem at the expense of the dozens of hundreds running through the crowded streets blindly… humanity is a mass pulsating and waiting for the summit to approach, the mountain is coming to us, and it is through the magic of collaboration that we keep things easily balanced through the hiss of the vipers running numbers in the hallways of darkened industrial and financial centers… the heart of the distortion which rests within the human being as an individual playing games which were not made to be played by maniacal gibbering idiots, those who have worked hard to corrupt their youth into small pebbles of waste shat out with the rest of the expensive lunches to look fashionable with the current trend of a fascist nutrition, and one that keeps its human cattle fed on trash and excrement while saving delicacies for the honest villains who feel they have earned the right to waste their worth on animal flesh… a believer might have chalked it up to god for reasons that does not make any obvious sense through realist eyes, but this is not so of i who is never quite so real as these times when speaking is less accurate than spitting out the raw shapes of abstracted bits Here, so what if i feel as though our government here in the States has betrayed us all before many of us were even born or aware enough to make our own conclusions out of respect for the false information we are sold… calamity follows more than just jane these days as the accent on occidental ideals end up breaking as waves against the shore of surety that oriental ideas have proved, whether in spiritual matters or practical ones as both have qualified for the attention of the public eye as they meet somewhere in the middle of this oceanic balancing act deemed true method of necessity, but who am i to speak out of turn in this free-for-all where the enlisted are usually sent back in bags for wars they start disbelieving in shortly after they start the killing the natives?… whether new cancerous missionaries are needed to back up their questionable saints, or more well-enforced laws are required to make us safer from ourselves is not but one of many particular questions in question, what is in question Here is the fact that we harm ourselves with interpersonal brain damage that might appear as though the victims were hallucinating the whole affair… however, it is the system that hallucinates as it convinces the other minds that this is the perfect arrangement where there is none higher, and this is the hive mind we are growing away from as individuated specks on the radar of governmental objective harassment further enforced by greedy flies circling the fecal ego fascination that carries on its back the celebrity diatribe of idiot filth and flashing lights… how can we even think these strange actions have no repercussion in the reality we constantly recreate?… the UFOs will take what we bring to life away from this dead planet as it breeds out congested lifeforms that have no place among the beautiful ideas that populate the next level to this obscure destiny of things, i regret that my senses are overwhelmed by the boring as offensive in my asshole’s taste of justice, but my words are not the support that you look for when you want a stable system of reality to see as i take contentment from revealing these forces of ego opposition very literally… the need to question our reality is always NOW, and there are few in the many willing to actively try to find the answers that make sense to themselves, though the pause break is still actively aware and willing to let the people make their own choices so as to diffuse the more dangerous situations in their own lives… it takes a certain solidarity of inclusion to let other in on these secrets of success…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on September 6th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, s for Semon..., world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.