…a mutiny of Scrutiny…

…no one seems to care at all in this day and age of urgency gone critical so critically in a social way that betrays us every day we are awake and dreaming for a better future but never comes Here to stay only to play with itself through us as puppets organized as organically craving the intermission of our pleasures finally reaching detrimental tainted toxic impressions impersonating human made to mock social awareness while also exploiting its artificial abilities washing away things that do not feed the variance of this all-go-riddim its supply and demand diet of craved information carving, through personal data as though only binary code in numbers and letters of computing languages alone, achieving aspects until now stuck as dreams revealed to manifest later on beyond whatever psyche keyed to certain vibrations and frequencies to compel us singly and as groups to discover more than we think we know though somehow become lost inspired values conflicting with practical compromising concerns taking material shape caged eggs hatching schemes distinctively by terms serving no one except those ones playing at master of people to which there are none as the testing is rugged more than rigged by those being ground up in the gears of this anarchy that we allow sacrificed to the grind by chewing, as nature digests us in series of systems and its ornery machinery intending parts to be relieved at the end of our station trained in life channeling energy through portals as porous receptacles our death transferring current senses beyond flesh in present tenses flashes of insight as much preemptive witness moving separate from what we got used to the usual reality defining perspective into layers, older than as the detritus underneath our feet smashed into retaining its present aspects of growth going from unspoiled earth alone quiet reserved nature as vast space shrinks talk sick masculine senility prevalent since recorded history of hysteria begins locally with home life we are raised in subsequent features of creatures journeying through this desert of the real barely having enough wits to promote survival in such harsh conditioning environments never letting up/go but allowed only to get worse as these rash of moments hastily defined gets dismissed as incredible substance merely gossamer or aesthetic dressing to make something look better disguised as different things to denote transitions of seasonal debris and detritus collected in great heaping grasps of ritual devotion as failed to pass, but what comes through true is another demarcation of annual annulment before it gets more real within this parameter of change from doubt into hope somehow sanctified in processes achieving those wishes with purpose determined to uncover more than what may first appear warnings heeded through naive perceptions skewed deciding in the lonely individual duties housing duality within oneself to personal detriment most often guilt and shame even self-inflicted follows one onward courting trials and tribulations concerning such an obvious oblivious mindset peeling off or closing in layer after layer of mechanical masochistic urges to sacrifice for machismo-tainted martyrs, based upon foolish ideals made bravado before certainty of aftermath enacted smashing pumpkins used as lanterns to light the dark and scare away demonic forces caught in-between planes of existence elemental particle banishment into common eucharists of voided poisoned fortunes by those establishment opponents of potent taint be damned Here collective unconscious subconscious individuation cult psychology of personality permeating everything material and contextual as what manifests into culture Here covert conversion of qualities shifting blame shame and power with varied aspects passing through us as we transition beyond that localized form of ourselves embodied as vicious animals growing into forms more subliminal consciousness legally obligated to collaborate and corroborate in the observed rituals and rites of passage when further humans are shed collectively as though are skin cells of greater beings altogether unaware much as is the case with us when these scales fall away from the more dense organism moving forward then collecting specimen caught curious of interest Here…


Posted by '$' on November 15th, 2024 in $atan's $cratches, critical concepts, dark thoughts, Miscellaneous, s for Semon.... You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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