Return of the Lodgers
it had been too long since last the words left my mind like this, but the reconciliation needed to be there in order for the feelings so far drawn out that space and time has allowed a transference of energy and experience resembling the ‘me’ you could see floating along with the rest of you in the Now, that real time and space of reality in the immediate as grey area and edge of the fringe all at once… curious to see the symbols in a new light of wisdom as the new glory whole of knowledge in piece by peace the ideal presence of the clockwork god we have created through invention has to bow and be willing to die for us as the people, profits have overrun the systematic infection we might consume as the states united in a country called America as silly as it might sound to point out the obvious flaws in any statement of fact or fiction when we only trust the story told in full around fires or ritual, but there is always some division in the multitude of facets in humanity as we label so easily the human debris ignorant and obvious and truly irredeemably responsible for warping this current of culture we have on our hands like blood from the so many massacred names we have lost to the sword of progress cutting down all opposition as though in tactics of cultivation perhaps… a nature derived of single-handed indoctrination of the so-modern Mankind with its pointed masculine features taking charge to putting the asinine in asshole once again when speaking of corruption and a means of control, twice the figurehead figures into the grand scheme of things as seems the more puzzling aspects of this idea of leaders as mastheads on a ship in my opinion not really in control of the full situation like the hopes we actually put upon a president whose justice reveals the shadier lines formed out of polite respect urging still no good “third party” coverage, and the wave of slithering serpent tide files by as again we enter into the age of blissful long-ignored guilt quilting a special pattern for us in the cosmic lattice-work that can help to force us to certain realizations of ourselves as reflected by the people we find a kinship with… your so haunted narrator has found that enough time has passed that casual comfort has returned to an unfathomed extent until we experience it again like some renewed friendship that lives up to its share of the energy spent, the spirit becomes the self-actualized feature of reality sometimes a flowing hypnotic thing awake yet dreaming of ways to separate the real from the fake causing chaos in the day-to-day cycle of human tolerance beyond the fog of ignorance, and the dogmatic curtain peeled back from hidden wall that a sledgehammer is necessary in order to reduce that dead end to rubble thus leaving room for escape into the howling winds forcing the past out like gas… the heavy mental sphincter that has locked onto our signal Here at the shared coordinates as left with our own devices to keep us in comfort and stable as the assailing erosive nature takes away pieces of the souled out reality we inhabit today like an odd zoo for mechanical animals wandering somewhere deep into the forest, a wilderness of the real time effort drawn through the generations possessed like objective channeling sources of material coming to fruition amidst the atmosphere of hyper-paranoid yet unaware personal relevance, and perhaps it is the valence and vector of this measure that afflicts the distracted whole of humanity castrated by society’s constriction upon the wavelengths shot perpendicular to the frequencies flowing past the mere parallel of this particulate real time endeavor as life calls upon us to act on the energy we were infused with through the after birth scenario desecrating the tomb into which i will actually inhabit as though the flesh were completely dead if only in this lifetime, while the rest run rampant in this abject abstract of reality we think of as freedom by and large though not so fully in charge defying the argument made with little mind toward how the others will take to this unnatural theme made now synonymous with a nature we seek as outsourced collective feeling out for a niche or somewhere to fit the grand scheme as the current of power flows down like some fantasy river of dreams… the potential is always there just underneath the surface, but idea is to look deeper than the unintelligent locked within in their ‘in-no-sense’ mindset that requires a shattering experience to describe at all the great lengths that we need to go as human beings in order to fully understand any real part of the bigger picture that we as individuals might play in revealing the impressions of others as official stories give way to the wandering distraction forcing out the rest of the day, as people seems to have such laws to obey that sway them to and fro so easily as they have been trained from the beginning whether pet or promising young prodigy-to-be the grave situation is always the similar destination for us as merely Man… we cause the effect to affect what we need to succeed any regrets that feel like judgments in our heads telling what the right things are to say when produced the same ways required to appear as though we truly ever fit in, the aliens in raw skins, but where are these details revealed without a moment of violence preceded reason?…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on November 11th, 2012 in blogging, l for Logogriph..., r for Rheme..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.