
behind. why yes i am actually… trying to catch up with my one more snail’s pace in the coffin replacing the nails with the mucus again, there’s almost too much vital information scattered around this shit hole meant in the nicest way possible, but will there ever be any room for nicety anymore?… the shit has backed up out of the draining pores as i work to catchup with November of this year as well as all of this month friggin’ day-by-day as fast as i can get the words eating my brain to get the fuck out into open air, curses and blessings aside as this challenge has surpassed my expectations so far as i am without the breath used in keeping myself absolutely entertained what with all in the hell’s hand basket going on out there in the big bad real world as another harsh planet with its ever more decadent god-form throwing wasted weight around like it matters in gold and silver as the literal commodities Here because in the viral brain that has acquired those fixations is trying to kill us all out in spite of contradiction, and this translates as the two-faced behavior of the unrepentant hypocrite that does not honestly fess-up to this actual truth rather the hypocrat taking every opportunity possible to keep any real truths a secret from the real people in power Here… the subdued many accept the vomit that lies to their faces, anything to maintain the incubator’s consistent rate of also trying to bring potential resources to the obvious surface in order to exploit for gain in this way, but a diseased front teases the frugal shrewd businesslike demeanor from the human eyes shining and easily read by the right interpreter of motion utilizing this skill/ talent for nefarious means to an end… the con artist with their deadly games to beat the righteous survival-based battleground on its own cruel terms as advanced by the human heart which can become cold under the wrong circumstances whether evoked on purpose or occurring accidentally or otherwise fucking a person up royally, the choice of vulgar words makes no real difference in the understanding but maybe in reflection to the degree of severity in any given situation, and sometimes it is all for naught when it comes down to the passing of energy along to one another which is the art of the social circuit rotating and gathering speed to better fling itself over the walls with a catapult animosity in the brutal psychic warfare in play all around us i sit Here and waste your mental space perhaps for a few moments more… i am not the most intelligent of people in the out there, but i am certainly not a complete idiot just foolish and naive where it makes the least sense to appear outright if only to contradict the self alone, a great achievement for whatever forces of active dispute are vying for authority over the relative minds of Man as they deceive one and all intimate with the aspect of self-hatred that manifests through dismissal and repression while also weakened sense of love in general… i wake up and ponder what this is to describe it as it moves through me, but this becomes the real task as my challenge evolves throughout the multitude of limitless forms guiding spirits will take to defend me against corrupt forces challenging humanity in all aspects, the ultimately hollow and shallow kinds of people impersonate actual human emotions in order to succeed in a human-conditioned world where their rules apply… Here you must search and find out as to where the loopholes might be revealed as each opportunity stays open for a limited period in real time, the same thing with laws of all variety where one needs to have a keen eye to see distinct points where the overlapping trials allow for a gap within the spaces between reality and loose interpretation, and if the arguments are not cheap then the resolution can come swiftly in favor of the best counsel of most proofs that can hold the skeptical attention successfully… this is also why law is so strong in use among humans to condemn each other to death and other hellish sentences so as to assert total authority over the average person in the streets, the cops and lawyers busy working over crowds made the more unruly by ignorance on both sides of the line as this is a catalyst for social upheaval without the guillotine, and as the social consciousness assumes proper awareness Here…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on December 15th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, r for Rheme..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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