return to the Refl-ex-orcist.

i cast those demon spirits out of you, cursed human being!!!… take your rainbow image of energy, and start at your toes from where the feeling will leave first when you die, the shadow of your confusion starts to hide itself from this flowing light of consciousness as you become more familiar with your own body awareness… the thoughts that permeate through every organic transmitter are relatively the same exception being that each person is unique, even if only slightly so, and can maybe accomplish many things in the course of a lifetime if given the chance to succeed instead of the futile wallowing that most of this complaint-happy culture allows to surge through their ranks… the normal human citizen has been indoctrinated into a once ideal structure of human ingenuity, but one that has devolved sooner than expected into a mess of greedy and scandalous arguments that reveals nothing truthful about humans except the disposition to evade responsibility and take all the resources for themselves, isolated inside our own minds we are capable in many ways that cannot be defined until achievement has been attained through the person’s own deliberate determination to achieve… anything less than that feels like a waste of energy, but how can we so easily demonize ourselves against the bulwark of public opinion when incivility runs as rampant if not more so than the dark ages before us?… we are not merely machines to be used or shuffled around like cattle from one vast open graze to another in our short lifespan Here, to be entranced by television’s broad exceptions to the rules of morality or ethics with no ideal of reason while the low alpha waves allow us to be suffused with synthetic emotions to force the working class into an exploitable position by the dilettantes that deal the wealth out like a mission statement, and further forcing people to cling to the dying system infected by a wasted expectation… not surprising since no one truly cares about anyone else that isn’t some kind of celebrity, everyone paranoid because of everyone else that might know them or affect their realities because of emotional reasons like envy and hate and fear, and this causes a ripple effect in the gene pool of human traits whether we choose to acknowledge those effects or refuse to hear parts of the greater truth out there for us to witness… where do these parts divide into us from the mysterious source that creates all things minus popular discrimination, self-motivated forms crawling in the earth space and crowding the livable quarters with sweaty motion squeezed together, and in the overall shape of the form a god might take to affect this world… it takes a panacea or medicine to purge the filth out of the womb we have allow ourselves corruption without honesty, and to this disgraceful lot the whole of us are thrown in with the creatures that feed off the fear and anger and negative emotions that humans expel like the fumes of exhaust from out of an automobile, ways that move us underneath the strain of interaction and the embittered souls who fail to see the light of truth at all… the dark underbelly craves a good rub, but who are we to deem the details unworthy of manifesting in our lives taking all sides into consideration is reason enough to live like each day were your last because there is so much to explore that eats away more of the improper behaviors of humanity in bleak desaturated colors… we need to know, we need to feel, and the suspended joys become inescapable obligations to achieve in order to acquire the actually source of that desired state of being…. absorbed in the machine, as the separate parts of a larger engine, and the awareness of being a single living thing in the same breath as the marathon ride comes to an end… we see the debris and junk off to either side of the open road, and think to ourselves, ‘where are we now?’… we are in the vast nowhere that time and space have materialized into as this false linear continuum… there is hope for healing the demon craving peace…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on August 27th, 2011 in blogging, my art & dreams, r for Rheme..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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