to Love Everyone or Somebody
people who hate people are the greatest fucking dimwits in the tangible world not only because of the mainly exclusionary tactics used against those other people, but also in this response to the ‘love everybody’ cliche that has permeated the vague threshold of old humanity where everyone and their grandmother knows the various lessons as they have turned into rhyme beyond reason used as a turnaround on fair play for those that have any such ideals, my people are the ones who ‘hate everybody’ in a sense that opposes the overwhelmed by love excuse that makes threadbare the simple human urge for some meaningful attraction instead of rejection… changing by subverting my sense of humility just a little bit so as to appear misanthropic while not fully giving in to the wont to become embittered and sour by these shallow judgments of others remaking me as a villain horrible and utterly reviled by kindness, the human i am is not what it appears to be at first glance much as any other soul Here who is trying to get by in a flesh that isn’t entirely theirs as gift for unknown source to manufacture the various skins of the past as they have sloughed off throughout the eras humans have explored and generated a following among themselves, but the excitement doesn’t last forever for our idols are awaiting the surge for greater heights of power and the shock of fear in the eyes of the enemy in cold sweeping moves to disable both credibility and dedication of loyalty to a cause or truth bound in layers of mystery… a tragic hope fragile and lingering in the minds of people whose stories remind as much as inform them of their opinions to reinforce this by any means necessary as the soldier takes life and limb forward to risk an ideal of a national defense that takes sheer numbers of bodies to prevail, these leaders who live behind fearful righteous masks of human compassion covering over their true reversed priorities turned into policy covering up the fact that they are representatives not of the people but of an opportunist plague taking every precaution to create the optimal conditions to foster hate, and this is in direct conflict with the guise of happy loving perfection claimed to be true over the many interpretative ideas on truth to be discussed again at great length in order to achieve any sense of harmony from within… we must relinquish the control of the others who whisper in our ears and try to distract our eyes away from the effects in their version of reality as distinct to the naked eye as the human mind interpreting this fatal data as though this is just the way life has to be lived to keep it working, but this is wrong to assume as there are many different variations to the solutions we hold so dear to us today as legend and lore manufactured to replace whatever cheap thrills we had going before this mess immortalized itself into the real as the greedy urge to control distorts this place into a nightmare maze of fetishes and few options beyond what we are given to choose from, the happiness we try to pursue becomes a life and death struggle which hustles us to a finish before we can even decide we are ready sometimes while searching out the laws of exception regards some honorable mention to add momentum to a livelihood passed down… passed up or passed out by degenerate clones who finally realize they are not the same as their parents but continue to try rebelling against their worth with worthlessness as a shield to protect a righteous glory long out-of-date by the time it leaps off of the shelves to participate in this game of fools navigating the people through this darkness, as ancient condition imperiling all facets of human advancement by placing blocks inside the path to actual knowing and understanding of ourselves and our environment without malice and negative forms that have until now allowed us to retain the mocking mindset of these rabid childish behaviors chilling to the bone, and remaining unparalleled counterproductive force coursing through those vain and that have to maintain their own ranting on issues which only press on uneven debate boiled down from the meaty broth it was to begin with while the fishes swimming in this deep blindness become meals to those heinous enough to choose this way of being… employing an attitude that will convince the rest of us to condone to a curfew for the safety of the whole community at large as the government presses its thumb further forcibly upon the deviants even to those who are harmless toward any others but themselves, this is not what unconditional love is about on a grander scale of attempt because the freedom in this world is never to be gauged by this fascist ideal to which we are all lined up against like a wall from where the condemned sit and await the firing squad of accusations from those who use judgment as a weapon in this insulting foray laden with intrigue, and helpless is easily accepted as the result of this madness seeping from psychotic heads who seem to hear other voices telling them what we need as a group instead of truth… you take a look and tell me what god has ever done anything to save its people…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on October 2nd, 2013 in blogging, e for Esemplasy..., l for Logogriph..., my art & dreams, s for Semon..., subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.