Rabble in review.
the dissuaded have come to meet and greet again the massive ass of adversity that tries to sit on our faces yet again, taking for granted this bizarre replication of diabolical individuals making myths cheaper by the dozen as humanity begins to harass cross the line of mediocrity hidden inside skin too thickened by years of wasted hatred for oneself and others by will of the systemic infection that trains us to be just as much like itself, and it is this parasite that most of us remain for the adulthood after teenage years motivated by dread of the on-coming future needs and wants as yet unrealized through the obtuse head that slowly puts together experiences with memory into action which inevitably lead to more experiences like a looping pattern similar to a synthesized beat pounding repetitive and fast perhaps in the primal bedrock of the dance floor… where millions of thousands of years and people have dared to speak with their frame instead of their words, and recognizing the tricks of the body trade as the dance keeps going on in one form or another even long after these ages we have seen became reality, there is always more to be revealed to us in this life and the next beyond the dead border of nothingness resides the new reality catering to equalize our desires and potential qualities yearning to be freed… the relentless and unyielding forces swirling prepared to verse us in the isolated occasion possessed by the institution cultivated after what seems to be forever in the subjective to extract an essence of any movement with its own bleeding and distracted substitution until the organized anarchy can takeover by sudden collective development from the ages past as have come to pass in the cycle of seasons wheeling infinite and separate from our time dilation as a group spirit yet labeled and granted much power by us in our darkness of misunderstanding nature and its bounty, allowing the killers to roam as they can find ways around the laws that Man has made in place of any other absolutes that may arrive in their place to better smooth out the social order thing overall, but this is not the way in which things work for the homeward bound crew whose grave faces lie open baring all fruits of the tragedy which life has eroded upon by the sessions working harder as the kind of whore that the system “respects” even as the promise of greater things remains a lie masked shallowly in the eyes that never lie to those on the outside of right or wrong that disappears anyway… the retarded are neanderthals in disguise some wandering and randomly procreating function whose genetic accomplishments have caught up with the rest of civilization that has killed off his ancestors where no other icebergs could, imagine the chaos represented if one of these specimen found their way into office as though like a leader but really a poisonous reminder and a pawn readily used in some personal craving to decide which limits to break, and which ones to allow the bounds of a disapproving reminder be used to keep one in line is certainly not with the times as has been utterly proven now that technology has advanced far enough that all people could be equally cared for well in such an advanced age as ours… one of the tricks used against us is that we enforce the lies among each other as though we are the only ones with the answer depending solely upon denomination in the tragedy of religious righteousness taken far too far, we defile our brothers and sisters with hate and conscious removal of their symbols of similar strength and valuable potency as befits a relic with power, but when emotional disapproval is merely transferred into projected attitude against all who hear then there should be a readiness to the volley of reflected disapproval flying right back if this was used as a weapon… there are those of us who do not fight back as the fast-paced first instinct calls for, some of us are habitual liars and cowards who do not possess a heroic bone in their bodies, but that does not preclude the occasional stroke of the sword when life or death comes to infringe upon survival that might seem a hopeless mess when a sustained battle… too many casualties in this war…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on October 19th, 2011 in blogging, r for Rheme..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.