Puzzle me this.
using guilt to make others feel bad, the greed to keep people conditioned and controlled because they utterly escape our grasp, or we fail to understand the magic inherent in the living creature… linked to every other being in this rarified state in time and space, submitting to the cruel standards that provoke us to adapt or die, and occasionally we meet our maker pondering too long the weight of conformity and community when may be we should just jump in head first to understand that which we do not… people can be the liability that is required to make things happen in any particular order in this world, the masses are necessary for the ebb-and-flow effect that shapes and moulds our atmosphere Here, and from that first narrow passage to the last we have the opportunity to create worlds within worlds… we waste our materials and we waste our lives working too hard for little compensation in return for our labors, we find ourselves calling for truth like it were evoking raw destiny to grant us motive to do the things we do, but what more motivation to succeed do we need other than our own will and desire?… a world shrouded in nothing less simple than mystery at all turns, and a place subdued by the fetishes of the people therein as the twisted fantasies rip holes into the fabric of this dimensional tapestry of which we are apart… cryptic enjoyment as the excited curiosity fills those gaps that between the knowns and unknown bits of bytes and data, the smell of cooking food mixed with the sweaty stench of laborious activity, and the mission boiling to the surface of the human animal’s focus of intent… the wallpaper is blank as the canvas waiting to be a relief to something unique and released with half-intention and half-intuition, no brush strokes are splatters Here, but the inclusion of multiple perspectives at once celebrating the diversity of innovation that longs to be seen or heard by other thinking and feeling beings… the puzzle pushed further by that collective desire that deserves none but the Muse to hear their wishes and make them real, the imaginary as playground for those unreal objects solid where they were formed by this insight, but the pieces frustrate as much as exhilarate because of their own timing made apparent by what can only be conceived of as impatience with the misunderstood… complacent vague bondage (vaga-bondage) as the loops keep tightening into smaller and smaller concentric circles as meeting of true and false come together as one grayed out reality, made more amazing by all of these various choices between dichotomies through the maze presented before us once self-awareness and puberty hit like an instant awakening that builds up over Here time, but then is suddenly expressed through all the pores at one time… like zits-a-poppin’ for the volcanic machinations are sometimes quick and subtle with pus and gore attached at the root of the problem, too much awareness all at once it might seem, but this is merely the optimal delusion that we allow ourselves to get confused with as perhaps a visual sense of optical illusion would make us temporarily insane, twitching bodies don’t help the confused mess when others thrust their own two cents into the mixture… the sense of clarity might seem truly lacking at that moment when it achieves total containment, for the imaginative consciousness and that consciousness of the real are inseparable dualities that each contemplate something from nothing, but this contemplation is what holds the middle ground of the gray enlightened substance we find real before our eyes and minds… all this joy leading somewhere far away… the disorientation is only temporary Here…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on July 7th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, my art & dreams, p for Periclitate..., subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.