punk as folk…
the hippies never died nor did the idealism to shape this living world for the better it only evolved after long lifetimes of worry and guilt had been assuaged by the guiding lights of a greater humanity whose work reflects in the interest of shared feelings and ideas openly through that social mind that lives and is breathing through us all Here on the conscious three-dimensional plane that we inhabit where people are still made to feel unsure of their place in the world, before our modern behemoth of industry made us this way as we had affected reality to bring it into being as crafts and arts and works of the people the likes of which had never before attained a level of success as this obsessive reality that we witness awed and amazed as these children we are within this organic transformer coum incubator exchanging not only forms but these subtle energies with a multitude of differing moments recalibrating filters on what we are able to perceive, and sometimes to achieve grand heights of fortunes materially expressed as wealth but in whose pursuit becomes alien reinforcing a series of selfish acquisitions that do nothing to advance the spirit a mundane passenger whose ride only lasts for the vital signs of life made kinetic by the force of will sometimes suppressed by manipulative ne’er-do-wells who care only for the ulterior motive lying hidden between humanity and an antagonistic drive that compels our viciousness towards each other as though enemies since birth… as it takes time for us to get angry in a group when oppression and suppression have been peaces of this ideal from the start when superior and inferior are drawn from the totalitarian results lacking the substance to articulate dreams or creative forces beyond the material void present as all those static objects we seize, whether through courage and persistence to deliver a soluble force against all odds of selfishly grabbing at whatever will fill the holes whether drugs sex or rock n’ roll scrambling to edge closer to this meaningful individual with no ending too soon in sight that persists as an empire administering indifference to one’s own community to stay immune from attacks of a judgmental nature in tune with that rhetoric an indifferent idiot or moron would willingly spill like a toxic non-belief into the minds of whomever listens as the fear speak builds oblivion upon doorsteps, and rolling the eyes and heads of crass arch dooks whose shitty visions include no one is worth more than a lord or lady or maybe we are just living with a dead joke through canned laughter generated to induce sedative waves of gaiety that takes painful memories to smash the warriors against the wall of confusion as a reflective reality showing our wisdom on the other side of this slow experience that we take for granted by allowing our choices chosen for us to be used further to arrest us in our noble growth to discover the Mysteries inherent in each random idea banned or abandoned by the system…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on January 2nd, 2016 in blogging, my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.