…tolerances from the pHarsickle…

out of Context – ‘…corrupting our youth when we were them accepting that gift jumped in by familial plugs doing favors for another customer in order to be favored by the company when the need arises shifting sides of the spectrum optimally deluded by systems within the machine having staked claim in prolonging our existence Here as much anywhere else with our track record archived and memorialized for each individual happening to get past this threshold, once seeing night skies turn into early rays of dawn it might be easy to have interpreted planets as people who cannot be loosed are tethered whole severed from clothes slightly covering our humility rampantly indisposed to our toxic humanity consistently guided by influences from outside as much within flagellating those deeper ideas of control stress and the pressures to perform as expected…’

…struggle of the Kerfuffle…

‘…when taken as antidotes in what we require to achieve full cognitive function believing ourselves somehow unaffected by warnings ceasing to sound off so alarming toxic talk sick of sick sad worlds colliding frequently enough to raise valid concern even though nervous about lifting any false flags amidst surveillance culture warfare so cold it recalls tensions of the near past now micromanaged to seem insignificant from the distance of passing cars quickly engaged with the surroundings as opposed to living inside of thoughts feeling better left unsaid when every utterance feels wrong, judged Here as inadequate descriptions falling out of the mouth manifesting as crucially sensing synchronous certitude of error and guilt admonishing by way of psychic link deciphered through the lenses as instinct intuition and intellect in currency crossing our organic circuitry…’ – out of Context

Quotes of the Month; September 2024

“The surest cure for vanity is loneliness.”

~Thomas ‘Kennerly’ “Tom” Wolfe Jr.; american author, social critic and journalist.

…time is Not divinity but our time is…

out of Context – ‘…described as being hypocritically apocryphal or an unsound pontoon trash raft of news, constantly making our fragility known when we are feeling most certain that things will go correctly one more time around on the life lesson wheels of fate spinning us faster as we understand better further secrets aphorise becoming mystic enlightenment paid for when the dervishes whirring whirled starts stopping completely leaving us all to question our guiding structures of logic and reason in pursuit of survival re-calibrating what was once there before apocalyptic armaments and dystopian dreams filled the streams live with people reiterating the same garbage to each other until one of many lies sticks or makes an impact, as it used to be with breaking reports on nightly network programs then programming the chosen viewer with critical impairments…’

…tehknocaed or Technocade…

‘…of what cellular genetics they have been reduced to that can as randomly get passed along dependent upon mutual receptivity from organically complex beings stuck inside machines… an arcane arcade of evolution in progress beyond this visual curtain spread wide open as knowledge taking one so far as confusion does leaping in loops and forward delays weaving words around to the satisfaction of none though plenty of redeemable rewards when the time comes for legacy moves in darkened rooms facilitating others into going on doing wherever the trails of happiness lead Here in amazing patterns that gradually extend free from being constrained by natural convolutions revolting outward when their time comes to plateau feeling only slightly vindicated among remains so pulverized as to be unrecognizable statistical detritusphere, conscious context crawling from wreckage…’ – out of Context

…t’Error dactylic hexameter…

out of Context – ‘…head heavy with thoughts unrelenting presented to an empty room worthy as an empty reading trying to collect enough personifications to fill it and even when sleeping just for dreaming to start happening affected by the definitions already established over time and further forcing its way through nonsense repetitive attempts kept deeply residing in the meat of our minds through tissues breaking loose more than marking territory to play some macabre song and dance routine for giggles… madness of horribly crass excuses used for doctoring them methods building somewhere within realms of plausibility if not found too long stretched strenuous action with these tactics skilled board-certified and ready extracting kernels of truth as though simply were teeth just open wide enough to scream ‘OW!’ before deviants come gorging on your visceral pieces tender and juicy…’

…Pulchritude or a keen aesthetic…

‘…glimpse in vain into the future to set precedent which cannot be prearranged in this state of temporary flux in the metaphorical furnace Here trapped with the other souls fighting to escape the pressure… can you feel its presence as it creeps ever so subtly away from the brain and into the limbs usually forsaken to cursory glances when wounded that self-soothing behavior one tries to fix themselves with because it may be too vague to grasp right away feeling more like series of difficult tasks to perceive these ideas as self-affirming patterns in itself the living gaze society imposes through humans that we think can cause reality to react violently as if nature were buckling itself from those tensions arisen with ultimately destructive aspects fostered over centuries where one neither cares nor approves…’ – out of Context

…fast shits wannabe Xanadouche…

out of Context – ‘…at best in Here, illuminatus trilobites caught helpless as the fossil record grooves as it slowly plays over time only audible enough to hear whispers from that cryptid performance piece called civilization taking on many phases and ornate forms as yet explained that exist while stuck in the daze and haze of mourning sickness not acknowledging the grief of loss so overwhelming yet repetitive to the point of depressing expectations of failure and being corrected if wrong in levels of severity depends upon the perpetrator whose delight must be in making others suffer as they believe they must have which makes them more untrustworthy… criminal cash crop of humans born and raised under loose loyalty to the state they believe they live within interpreted in many ways that differ and then direct us the opposite…’

…magna Farta, the golden meconium…

‘…tension upon people to maintain fitness as regards being in poor health combined with bad hygiene rituals overwhelmed by guilty feelings we cannot escape because they are planted firmly in our minds and self esteem, so we look to poop for physical guidance once aware in this affair so not your average gherkin importer if not your first ride in a down rodeo laughing and crying inherently symptomatic of mental defects caused by the environment Here as the poisons digest through stillborn fertilizers instead harvested to feed the organic matrix at our feet undefeated by nature we succeed in filtering the cesspool of genetic anomalies if it fits into our hopes and prayers preying upon the hopeless and unaware planting bodies in the ground transferring energy as easily when people are pushed to talk shit…’ – out of Context

…everything S’okay proposition…

out of Context – ‘…to grasp at stellar voyages yet to come synchysis can proceed pulling from what fatalistic meanings are yielded scattering the words around… so many theories of conspiracy substantially stringing everyone along unknowing toward true piracy through allusions with unsavory parties and deception of the plagiarized self as it journeys this desert of the real serving desserts stressed processed fillers cold calculated revenge in trauma growth every one of us for being born when applied and supplied by every trade forcing indigenous people by now we are diverse lines of genetic code constantly blended together enough there is no partial removal while this world continues to straddle lines between innovation or martial justice setting guiding principles on descent into hell perceived by the naysayers, not soothsayers Here whose compulsory nerve twitches the liars tic…’