‘…of desolation desecrating human endeavor prematurely dropping fruit off far before ever ripening sanctified treasures of nature we barely comprehend much like ourselves unable to see properly when the mind is blind forcing ideologies on others to impressive subtle control commanding respect through antagonistic methods constraining very little… much as any other civilization barrelling toward collapse one stone thrown against the thrones at a time slowly acting as the sand in the our glass of hours eroding away into the almost formlessness of everything else around us no matter how many individuals are victimized by the passing of time in such a manner without respect or etiquette to assuage our egos combined Here and reckless as separate perceptions having narrowed insight enough to survive cold critical nights of day endarkened us blinded by the light…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…as the romance continues to fluctuate and die in some regards captivity of complacence and ignorance ensnaring us to stay this way as we always have seemed regardless of the reality to perfection and its corrective behaviors create critics judges and executioners distilled as thought police left wandering without regulation toying mortality out of our hands or minds by substituting with what it is they want you to believe and obey until you decide otherwise for once, collapsing new reasons out of the ether to inspire yourself to move forward though tragedy as poetry would describe to us in varying voices as villages of unheard words build static that can be heard in low frequencies reverberating and connecting to something beyond us yet we still remain part of the debatable fortune of existence believing ourselves…’
‘…sacrificed to the grind by chewing as nature digests us in series of systems and its ornery machinery intending us to be relieved at the end of our station trained in life channeling energy through portals as porous receptacles our death transferring current senses beyond this flesh in present tenses flashes of insight as much preemptive witness moving separate from what we got used to the usual reality defining perspective into layers as old as this detritus underneath our feet smashed into retaining its present aspects of growth going from unspoiled earth alone in quiet nature as vast space shrinks ever more precariously indulging the more selfish aspects of ourselves Here quisling interests pushing preemptive betrayal forward factions confrontational anarchy fish swimming a pace out through this wholly sea voyage fighting the current mainstream distressed…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…from our mortality filtered through astringent qualities and rituals used to purify ourselves of deeper subtle layers of intersecting emotions with imprinted memories whose triggering presence can sometimes be misconstrued as comforting when one has only known dread for all their lives most without any breaks yet breaking somehow from this cruelty inflicted, manic impressions deciphered in flashes of memory suppressed repressed and utterly obsessed with correcting actions as defensive measures taken early on camouflaging anonymity from being perceived wrongly by ones outside judging those more engaged than themselves choosing to assume distracted elements vicariously avoiding detectability achieving overarching goals while fears of failure remain controlling us unaware of the puppetry swing set raw tallow ready to be turned into candles burning at both ends…’
‘…vital to resistance residual from the forces that moved through us cycling naturally most times heathen spirits confused with demons of the most malicious stripe but this extreme is by extension unreal manifesting as stereotypical conflict molesting all passengers on board whose opinions raise flags, sunshine blind side effects of the dead laser in the sky scrying through the cryings from souls crystalized values during these trying times like always afflicting us with doubt beholden to ourselves Here inflection of treachery found in paranoia fundamental into whose foundation nests all sorts of unclean manifestations correlative to those disparaging minds always relentlessly wanting to know something more as that is their sole active form of control instability changes us equally as well shaping increments of our cellular sand as organic data restless for answers…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…between stellar conduits unseen but always assembling structure beyond itself no difference holy or dirty because of this density of interdependence within ourselves abilities to connect to other worlds collecting details and data further still breaking our picturesque view of perfection are gloss and gossamer dressings, compared to the vast contrast that recreates us repeatedly Here often with little luxury or fanfare seen until posthumous and serious case of ceasing to exist shriveling into the nothing as background impulse layered in levels throughout conscious pieces of dreaming this massive of a microcosm reflecting synchronous boundaries embodied in parallel circuits of essence including very little sense of itself or any of the parameters conscripting pieces from the larger whole while digging out temporarily pockets of dimensional anonymity our own minds…’
‘…selectively benefiting shadow interests invested to ensure bad outcomes where there can only be their rules and regulations managed however they wish as long as fortune continues absolving those raping the earth and its children disassembling nature with destruction and assimilation for trinketed pleasure-seeking lifestyles while remnants upon this heathen earth, infested by invasive ways within most the core principle Here similar to others dissecting resources for exacting personal gains soon overfilled such decadent miscreants faith with vile sewage thrust forward hopefully others will process this garbage more so as servants than the humans being people required to fulfill tasks keeping the daily structures in motion or else they collapse the functional wave of endeavor back to primeval stages where we could be so easily provoked into killing each other…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…human generations more than expected penetrating into the next dimensions before they are even mentioned starting reduced as scenes and local communities underneath layers of time and effort to push movements forward Here hearsay heresies seeing what sticks it out able to progress and evolve energy constant and getting resolved in ways that counterpoint as contradict our arguments reinforcing mass debate over being missionaries necessary emissaries capable of turning mercenary, ninja motions at vital moments at a moments notice and without a moments hesitation becoming the embodied warrior in spirit amped up and already offsetting other missions than yours making available what personal time and energy can be devoted to this demoted specialty of labor driven by authoritative directors needing not to dirty their hands if they can convince enough of those people…’
‘…perception… how we perceive thinking as wet networks of unseen and seen concepts as content connected together Here flipping doors open and closed constantly we are the ghosts haunting these machines into motion fluctuate plates of tectonic seismic shifting seizing us all by surprise as we defy our own preconceived notions in our actions under stress much as any other outside pressure put upon us singled out to take the brunt affecting our attitudes directly with consequence attached to curtail overt expenditures taking away more than is produced continuing the process of abuse looping for however many more generations to come, expressed in physical extremity translated into various distinct points of humanity leaving their marks echoing long after initial impact is felt progressively concerned with the meaning of this collapsing of trust in others…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…extraneous polarities compelling people in pursuit… requiring meaning or purpose on forward beyond the mists of post-medieval distortion oddly romanticized among dreamers whose dreaming contorts us as sees gather into oceans distinct in their variations once spread out into anonymous massive of vessels walking living upon this heathen earth as it transcends affected states of being no absolutions Here except through words alone granted reprieve for misdeeds mistakenly hastening guillotines of guilt continually dropping about head and neck doubtless forced by oneself to fall and strike suddenly when moves were made to trigger these events from afar even when caught unaware a destiny haphazardly constricting individuals, Here through this mad machine breaking badly whether unholy or not sometimes pieces going crazier in their breakdown before getting any better…’