‘…scared to name nimble words to access a proposed metaphysical supernature like a signature which supersedes humans as masters of their own destiny intriguing some who may think that fear can be a real horror show and mind killer to many choosing to imbibe of its cesspool brew leading one to hideously spiral down beyond a golden ratio of conscious awareness and participation in these struggles pushing a past of dread aside to embrace the adventure of life, as human shapes of cosmic debris where there is no real time only dream Here as magical infusion between powers of imagination and the practice of a metaphorical warped drive forward no matter what obstacle to be found in the way of progress as pragmatic conquest…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…casting out the damned spirits that roam about our person separate from those shadows conjoined at our footstep and lodged in our minds as passengers clustered together as related energies coalescing into replicated human shapes as the need arises to find a representative in the mists and sands of the temporary stacked up so high that it reaches the skies as historical fetish shaken to make gods rain from the clouds in the tiny droplets of moisture cycled through again and again until those same such nameless gods truly reign supreme from above as the conscious ephemera pulled out from the vacant voids with pretty faces that fall to be taken, self-sacrifice being forsaken by the ones touted as the best of show…’
‘…how utterly fragile and insecure they are Here more than we even if we have the most difficult of times to hold our shit together without breaking the stoic mask deflecting the ignorant toddlers who think they know more when there is less conclusive evidence of such hideous supply and demand going on behind our backs that it can be fraught with peril when so difficult to track down sources direct for this current situation whether cartel or corporation makes no difference in the way it feels futile as one against many it always appears that a single entity cannot win, though can even this intimidation be a temporary gain when all else is losses even when that currency electric flows through one’s hands with abundance troubling truces made when no one has anything…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…purified from harshest criticism, to say art exists in a world of honesty where science once occupied a space of frivolity and falsehood in an age not long from ours today whereas the sentiment portrays in effect the fear and dread of medical horror that gives rise to an easy deception becoming weaponized leverage form used as a weight of pressure to move us in the “right” direction as we begin to collect experiences while on this voyage so treacherous when only riding in a human vessel such as this… naturalism is to horror as an introduction to the unmasked brutality of contemporary culture to which we all find our lives in parallel to the raw shapes that evoke attraction and repulsion…’
‘…attaining some form of certainty amidst the chaos that nature permits… even as humans mature the animal being is never very far from the surface with what games we are forced Here to participate in events where no one wins anything but a trophy and maybe perhaps some fond memories to last most of a lifetime as that most primal social lesson learned when no one else has a reason to continue thinking in frames of game theory that has not found its way into the audiovisual mediums as they evolve while consistent with current technology as well as our developing interests in it, leading to new means of perpetuating the struggles through near-constant preparations for a worst case scenario…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…dignity or respect from those looked to for guidance worse when they have no compassion and only negative expressions to reveal the damage hiding behind the human visage expecting no change that the violence will go on in another through whom the impressions have been made becoming more monster than the last jerk until it reaches a horrible end in some instances such as with examples being what they are in this most recent age where rage takes its toll as though higher goal to be sought after and larger body counts ideal to prove points with no value except in the forms of no fun raw power and the funeral rites transposed over memories when there are so many victims to be remembered always…’
“It’s better to be good than evil, but one achieves goodness at a terrific cost.”
~Stephen ‘Edwin’ King; american author and producer.
‘…ever so slowly we get drawn away by differing interpretations promulgated causing confusion where those lines have finally crossed over with one another in constellations weaving a tapestry against a map of vast distance and stars shining bright levels of radioactive evolution as particle collides with particle sometimes so explosive that it sends ripples through the continuum demonstrated without sound in sudden context as relates to us all the way back Here attempting to understand the inexplicable that drives our deeper curiosity to the point of larger conflict it would appear to remain a consistent truth…’ – out of Context
out of Context – ‘…the barrel loaded with fresh violence for squealing pigs relentlessly enveloped in a filth used to keep interlopers at arms length away while the dirt and mud and feces become caked on the faces to the point of being unrecognizable to the others, the campfires with baleful glamors clamoring to send another ghost into the flames as sacrificed shard of our own beliefs in what lies beyond all this mingling flesh an exposed writhing code set blindly within our species by an elder god without sentience perhaps formed as a wyrm or demiurge to proliferate in darkest parts of the human heart as offal left on the slab to be examined then eaten as is the way through various accents of civilization…’
out of Context – ‘…while Here, triggered dread of desperation making animals of us all whether indulged by some edifices of power or expressly forbidden from seeking those lessons that are reinforced by others as they must suck so that the seed may pass onto the next testing ground used to indenture servants thus harvested like crops toiling their own soil into growing ideal beings from the ground up perhaps in a vision as compared to insects we fear as we truly know not to what intents this human collective consciousness extends surmising if a hive mind is appropriate as a model of reference, deeds within a haunted crude oil extruded from these beasts that walk the earth without words or worry to contain in amber or some other form of petrified crusty prehistory…’