over it.

dropped into the social maelstrom without so much as a general kind of a guidebook to how this thing works, poetry in motion as well as profuse with the inactive of the senses as creatures dot the sky above you, and realizing in this dim weather you know it or not some ambiguous leader is skating on a thin mind’s ice… the wages of a determined psyche wants to bathe in that perfect relief that will never come as the pain and pleasures collide and match in the ones as they choose in mixtures too stirring to conclude to exactness of detail, the crude-accrued zeal laying culture out on the slab like a piece of shit altar from which to pull out all the potential of combustible compost energy to fuel the anger needed truly to condemn those fiends imperiling life in the nude age left naked to the obfuscation as shadows try to tint our glasses darker to distract those primordial binders, and this said with regard towards the lies and darker truths that permeate the civilized eyes with ignorant faith as interpreted into the tainted wheel of life and time presented to us here in our current struggle for worth and dominance… the land is a value unmeasured where we can stand grounded stark in contrast to the fickle and vapid economic solace used as stabilizing garbage around us, the emotional clutter dismissed as baggage taken from person to person as the wasted debt collects magnetic to ankles as we scrape the surface of the seasons that pass us by each year as chained links to describe a further defaced sadist of a system carving away at all pieces of the pie-eyed dream, but insulting noise scars oblivion into the festering fears laying disguised under a vision of a creamy bliss of soft importance on display as the lesson bending over the chasm of fallen idols and models broken by their resistance to serve a fascist empirical study authored by false witnesses dressed as scientists ready to say ‘yes’ to the profit’s effect on us without regarding one’s own humanity… the intelligent and the frightened trying to find ways outside of the struggling convenience offered like a toxic candy to soothe the wailing infantile urges, when proper guidance and not reward is the true means to learning and understanding instead of defying any and all natural order to extend the life cycle of anguish connected to defeating the individual’s dreams to make way for the progress of the least common denominator to mold civilization into a particular curve perpetuated by supply and demand, and all the more sinister as death comes by popular command these days short destroying the whole of a conscious thoughtfulness which links us all beneath the illusion that the materialist pushes forth to substitute for the spiritual aspects inherent in nature as much as humanity remains inherent home to both nature and spirit… when leaving the city, one can find the organic signs of change and growth uninhibited everywhere that seems blighted and static in the concrete jungle and stained asphalts crushing the life underneath, but this isn’t humanity’s spill as much as Mankind’s wasted act to remake nature in His own image as reversal of the real spiritual respect needed to remove the poisons which threaten to decimate to rest of us into pure essence and that is the end required for dark forces to succeed… doing so much damage to each other in pursuit of this harsh and impudent status plateau placed upon our culture by repugnant hands and in homage to the suffering plague profuse in the modern human psyche under the mental police state reinforced by the abused technology, leaving an emotional consciousness to starve and desiccate away as dried-out shell forgone in any true connection to this organic side of ourselves, and we become as the machines willingly reaching to another rung on the ladder of material artifice called by some achievement hanging like the carrot strung up over our heads to affect our decisions in ways yet more agreeable with our forsaken authorities holding all of the dealer’s keys in their hands… the cataract of capable acts is slowly opening and closing as the stars sway in a strange motion in overlay of the vegetable mindset multiplicity rife with the tissues coming up through the central flow of the plural cavities now filled by the collected massive as it assails itself, an act of attrition in order to stem the formation of poisonous tumors of guilt and violence throughout a humane organism trying to understand itself objectively, but only getting closer to those lost visions that reveal the past swinging around back to the center of attention in hideous amounts of error and a persistent mutilation of spirit trying to crush the animal while retaining the memory almost as though to snuff out the last remaining of a solitary breed as made to overtly consume everything in sight… accelerating the fragments to break away to fill the air with a particulate matter as to choke the titans down off their “O’ lymp dick” thrones, dice dumped from the broken wrist brats taken for gods in a godless age where wealth is the greatest common thing used as denominator/ mediator/ exterminator/ etcetera and more as passed between friends and enemies alike, but it is my vision blurring in the darknesses reset against the edge of dawning enlightenment shared amongst the real social network we are using…

Posted by Friday on March 29th, 2013 in blogging, critical concepts, i for Ipseity..., o for Onymy.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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