…officious use of Oralgami in ophelimity…

…ontological shocks aside folded up to compartmentalize life leaving very little carbon footprint while saying barely anything to account for this sarcasm about living through harsh consequence Here queried for the purpose of details because no one understands you though you can try with methods making you feel in command over disorganization of oneself found wanting something more or less than this disquiet to comfort our insecurities that comes with existing for the briefest of instants from birth to grave universal recycling systems in place to shift energy out of solid manifestation and back into that indefinable ephemeral source potential, transmitting and receiving signals channeled from the outer dark where we know not how our consciousness connects wired to these bodies in real time only able to sever the unwritten compact with death little bits at a time elaborating on the wall of mind fragments fundamentally separated freedom as gift taken for granted sanctioning the shells of science as idols to be worshiped for their flawless formulae cracking countless problems forming thinnest theoretical layer of surface tensions when exalted as supreme intelligentsia of the stars and celebrity begin telling us stories with bizarre correlations interpreted as signs what to do, when no one cares anything about such cruxious or anxious crossing of grand guignol predicaments occurring Here we are street meat from the body shop toward organic climatic collapse snaking through unfortunate territory when it comes to exploring the psyche locked without proper keys in science and psychology advanced to meet respective ends meaning trying to find functional references in everything even the esoteric and metaphysical crevices of information appearing apocryphal and distant yet provocative carrying their own ancient archive applied to modern gaps in knowledge actively sorting through such is life in its extraneous polarities compelling people in pursuit… requiring meaning or purpose on forward beyond the mists of post-medieval distortion oddly romanticized among dreamers whose dreaming contorts us as sees gather into oceans distinct in their variations once spread out into anonymous massive of vessels walking living upon this heathen earth as it transcends affected states of being no absolutions Here except through words alone granted reprieve for misdeeds mistakenly hastening guillotines of guilt continually dropping about head and neck doubtless forced by oneself to fall and strike suddenly when moves were made to trigger these events from afar even when caught unaware a destiny haphazardly constricting individuals, Here through this mad machine breaking badly whether unholy or not sometimes pieces going crazier in their breakdown before getting any better in general life as polysemic or particular signs with multiple meanings attached to these frequently confused into fighting over which is the correct interpretation among so many often paralyzing clear paths to functional decisions with mistakes undermining our best qualities because seemingly endless pressure responsibility and obligation squeezes indiscreet excretions and secretions right out of us physically while feeling drained in other ways by limited understanding to how these various elements go together and in what fashion best, keeping the structures stable strange in this world where rules and laws deemed correct by societal standards are used to measure out terms serving utility Here the individual being the only sound judge for their own satisfaction but within various groups at once is precarious to say the least when as creatures we start by crawling then walking upright with self-awareness confusing our conditioning thus far becoming conflicted in that terrestrial aversion toward puberty and managing physical changes awkwardly charging through our bodies at erratic paces while learning never ends confirming our worst fears perpetuating external dread in localized loops…

thanks, khet_:/

Posted by :\_khet on October 7th, 2024 in backwash, dark thoughts, o for Onymy..., personal afflictions. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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