Operation for a Freedom

i could go on and on about what i hate, but that would only empower what i would so rather be weak and dissolute, giving far too much credence to the negative impulse as i was born under the auspices of the virgin as the summer transitions into autumn in a year’s time… to do so, i travel with a gravity of the incredulous like a cloak about me in an attempt at resisting a polite fear which traverses this society so frequently as it would seem to me, and this is the only perspective that i can share while just trying to figure out some of the ideas which don’t rely upon my defensive reactions to set things orbiting within a circulation of daily life into place… these willful ideas are nasty and sticky to reject once they have a niche in the personal work present in the ticking of the clock as it quite simply resists the stirring chaos around it, and those who are riveted by time seem to idolize this fourth dimension hoping perhaps to catch all the chances that arise from the homogeneous total as it quite literally becomes a sea of people on a grand scale for which words never do justice to describe, hapless hope to capture events within the realm of the moment passed although there may be further clarity on this as the pieces take time to flow together appropriately… there is this nomad monad as the source where even as one true originality expands to defy being locked into place with terms and other jargon transferring the energy of the unknown into a known, and as an eventual path becomes a given idea to be taken for granted by society as a general whole after first creating ripples in proportionate size which later become warped holes in the fabric of reality as the center swirls outward/ inward as the eye of this storm… the concentration of any effort breaks barriers which would otherwise have remained for the velocity of another party to abscond the odd information thusly unlocked from the invisible vault, and as aether it can swarm around in many more forms resistant to the kindness of reason or logic, perhaps theory of a dyad may be conceived as the subjective consciousness versus the objective reality which houses the core of the conscious earth we could imagine as being at least source of the whole of being anyway… the beginning ends with each of us as we each take turns sliding out into the open air taking in new breaths of screaming terror as we awaken in this flesh-filled facet of existence to fall into the lap of reality juicy, and then defiled by a cold and sterile time warp as the environment of a health industry disguised by most as at the very least courteous to those that have the money, very little actual cushion there when people are fashioned into helpless frayed ends further thrown offset by the time paperwork would allow reach to the emergency room for anyone just merely average… me, yeah, i’m bored by my lack-luster faith in the filthy same wretched beasts who penetrate into the minds of wholesale humanity without hesitation just to force a plausible reality into their shape for some ungodly stretch of a linear time perception state… i hate the incidental of a naive fascism that happens to get tossed around between interested parties at times of least social constraint practiced by the natives Here, the rampage of new loving kindness taken beyond core beliefs of ideal old condoned ways of negative retreat as practiced by the curious seeking different answers to those yet same questions pushed onto the mass mind by a general authority’s idle wandering sights devised and fronted by the public face of opinion believed justified to lie, but where is the dignity acted out as preached by the hypocrite humble instincts that cow down to and cater to the whims of the wealth and its dirty money hands as the strings whip about the limbs to yank and distort to the fear that machine manipulated Mankind mentality to terrorize as dysfunctional mirror that humanity has become for now… the feelings are a weak barrier from the will of the cold and cruel side on the exterior of superior mess made by the deflated ego before all hot err has left the wilting building ire frustrating the progress saved to check points of a relevant display to complimentary energies given and taken, reformed and removed to a splendid place where serene takes up the chase for a happier whiling away of the bliss in hours of distracted abstractions of courtesy and respect sublimated as the chancre develops within the invigorated demeanor of the human winds as animal or beast, and the disease has found a home inside the ailing moments that prostrate themselves to the surface tension of the water in this sea of substance whose extremes drive the all-consuming forces tugging and suckling upon the scintillating aspects of individual self buried under information as stacked wager fraught with perilous eras of the ominous god trigger waiting to be pulled by some unlucky figure…

Thanks, khet.

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