Can you catch ‘old’ from a toilet seat?


I have pondered this thought recently, and reached no new conclusions…There may be times when such things are possible, but these occasions don’t happen very often…Breaching the boundaries of logical reality to surpass time, leading to the inevitable debate of age as a disease, and how it wracks our populace…Being eternally ageless as I am, of mind at least, I can see that age is merely the affliction related to surviving a world as caustic as this one inside this animal flesh…Even the oxygen we take in to live, breaks down our systems, and pushes us to rust like our machines built from steel and iron…It isn’t pretty to be defiled by this painfully forceful part of nature, but what is it about our culture that says we need to feel guilty about our eventual collapse?…This is the case I make, though who is to say that my madness is even supportable, but even then I can’t take back my words now…The death industry relies on our wallets and our bodies to huddle under their deprecating care, and deny the redundant concepts of better health that they try to display, how do you think they can make so much money in light of various medical disasters?…No one in the masses seems to be listening too closely, though, and I often wonder how much they save us in all actuality from our own decay…Scalpels flash by in instances of sleepy haze, we’re done, just like that…The wound sutured…Doctors aren’t the purest representations of gods, and can just as easily fuck up as not, it all depends upon the confidence and care with which they approach the problem…Fuck-ups happen to all of us, each in our time, and without mercy or reduction of irony…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on July 31st, 2007 in khet's coroner, o for Onymy.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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