ogre is therefore backwards..!

ergo… or is it ergot? hallucinations galore. What lore? what doors of perception are you talking about Here? the same ideas that everyone else seems to aspire to, the ones that lead mankind down the barrel, that distant explosion waiting in the dark far to the end of the journey… another big bang. who is holding the trigger? certainly not the ones choosing to forget the aggression, but to be utterly passive slows the system to its hurky-jerky crawl, so there must be way to continue this thing without the use of ego destruction. the ego is not entirely absent of guilt for leading us down selfish paths, but when the negative forces creep into our consciousness speaking to our darker demon selves, perhaps reptilian counterparts click in some kind of mechanism. a repellent for actual human discourse over any issues of any real worth or value. the reptile draws us in like a good Jim Morrison lyric, with the right mood harnessing both mind and body, and slithers into conscious command before it is even realized what has happened. so with all the aligning stars shooting somewhere else for the civilians to undermine their own burdens. practical issues pushing the hesitation, tearing through the curtained ignorance like rusty scissors, and willing the escape to greener pastures. with all the gratifying new, there comes the dealing with past weights that tugged and pulled reason down to the lowest, simplest, barest wiring, and yet to recover from everything has no easy ends to tie up. where has this gotten me, just the loser losing something never owned, and now the silent screaming past beckons the will to breathe.

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on February 12th, 2010 in khet's coroner, o for Onymy..., rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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