nymph lodes

the madness pecks out your eyes like a massive shadowy bird of prey waiting to take everything your mind has made up for you whether seeing this as a believing in the truth or a liar whose weight of the tongue is golden enough to quell your ears and soothe your worried pulsating fear using your body and senses as a transmitter pumping blood through the rough volume of you to interpret signals into pure actions of course, making its way through you as though like a meal or food digested to be excreted infused a little with all that is you to copy and imitate the sections of self severed off from the bulk of the human who had to push out dook worth more than a lord in whose fealty we all serve although there are few that swerve off the path to detail a finer image of the decadent and privileged taking for granted all as this open smorgasbord of feast and famine meant to grant us passage to another world, and only a few to lead you as guide through the threshold of temperance modeled after the gods and monsters of the mysterious world you are receiving in these words as gateway to access your potential attempt at this perception of yourself from a distance kept as a lesson or homunculus to teach you the moral of what you did wrong to get Here… substantial qualities that humble seekers of truth to the facts of wisdom a thread at a time like Theseus in the labyrinth winding a way through this maze that strikes most ready as the serpent to find a vein within the vain attempts of humans who conquer and tap upon a venomous strain of endorphins released through the mainstream of this system watching mass diseases paralyze the plans of individual people as lack of awareness fuels a mob mentality of ignorance, crawling along the nerves and urges of the human carcass gone astray afraid of a chancre culture encroaching upon the rights of the people always working hard for their earned purity yearning for that dream of a freedom which comes as a shock and surprise when realizing the truth in a disguise of ancient ways changed as the years add up to trigger warnings of foreboding and prophecies made up of hints and clues, but to abuse our positions is to confuse the rest of this continuum searching out virtue in the smallest cells toward this ideal version of freedom among the massive passing out in the streets for a chance to see what is really killing us besides the evolution of disease and the sickness that keeps us intoxicated by beings who would rather that we all suffer instead of understand this because that may be the easiest way to try submitting the world population to an order in which all the blame and finger-pointing will seem justified in tiny increments more than the last time the shit storm of epic proportions rolled through town to haunt and hang a loose sign of the times around our collective necks red from the heat and swelter of stupidities spent on trivial things wasted in the sun and midnight surges of interest biding time that lazily lingers…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on January 30th, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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