CosGnosis and the New sense
it feels unwanted to be a little bit touched in the head like this, what with all the odd prats and pricks around at all times and at all costs in order to prove the deceptive winds of voluble change paying lip service at the door to this gated community at first beginning as innovators and iconoclastic behaviors moving to another region not as vacant of decency as this, but someplace to start a new motivation to try and make things different for the better that lies beyond temporary catharsis of a festival or carnival or circus… we need to go forth and start new towns where the states of mind we share are not just redundant chitchat to be had between friends and foes of enemies alike, the snappy patter of wit and ironic that has boiled down to inane and brainless immersion into empty quotes and vapid anecdotes that describes a life meant to adapt to the picaresque inertia we have allowed ourselves to forget so that we may return from the shambles once we get there, but what of those lost souls who will never grow up to be the people their kind have anyways wanted them to be?… we are all developing apart and as a whole in silent ticks of some synchronized goal we are at once oblivious to by choice, and utterly aware of the swaying and flowing movements that come and go with the times as they change in a whippoorwill of engagement that we could never completely rid ourselves of in understanding the cosmos and its knowledge… the aspects of so many different things writhing around inside of us as agent underneath the supple surface of the skin in the stew of autonomous veins and half-assed banishments made glory in our holiest of temples, the wisdom is more than us but ours to utilize to create new tangents to the many phases of this old adaptation apparent internally where few of the right expressions can be made with a glamorous certainty as to what extent the fact of the consequences are ever-present on this journey, and we are all our own vessels into the cosmic void and this world with our own army to defend ourselves microscopically without giving in to the outside opinions as fear propaganda spins against us pushing the wrong attitude towards our rights in unity as we damn ourselves into dumbed down as detrimental social fuse lit by the fundamentalist jackals further destined to be pawns in the roles in which they have been trained as base animals blaming it all on their orders to kill humanity instead of being honest with the inhumanity disguised by valor… an evolution of decay or perhaps a decay in evolution as biologic revolution in the strictest sense of cryptopolylyricism (The Art Of a many-layered obscure piece of poetic flourish) as a form of pattern made dominant within the genetic code strung along like a theory on whether fairies alive or dead are worth the time of day… of course most are under the pressure/ idea that dreaming is some lost art in most human being’s repertoire of conscious actions in the ether, but this is very much not true as the dreamers are alive and reasonably well trying to survive like any other being living in the habitat paranoid today as the hive is riddled alive by the most obnoxious acts by our peers pushing the lines past what could have been acceptance most supreme, instead taking the stance that old is dead and new is good whether that happens to include the ‘greater good’ or not is still of debatable rationale among a destitute working class of a diseased system lurching forward abhorrently toward some kind of vague destination valued much higher than people with actual worth because of the cursing and dread authority that has taken its own liberty to create a new world order out of this chaos… many messy antics, but is it all that we are allowed to have in this framed up vision of progress that we kill ourselves to maintain literally in a linear reality, the insanity lies in the empty displays of mock humanity dropped once the time card is ticked and punched and notched to imply we are but a number in this machine as it tumbles along crushing out the simple oblivion as an ideal solution to the endless formulas twisting on in complexity… we aren’t going out like that as just some random numerical motion…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on March 29th, 2012 in blogging, c for Colluvies..., dark thoughts, g for Galere..., n for Nescience..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.