no GOD, you devil.

nihilistic tendencies aside, we have way too much to read and absorb out there to give lick one about critical praise or bullshit that takes away from any real issues, and there are few things that I enjoy about these distracting forces-that-be… these ideas are all too-powerful for most of us with simple minds to handle on our own, and the forces of distraction make it so much more likely that we pay for our mistakes with more than a slap to the wrist… These ideas make us slit that wrist by risking our self-esteem and our accountability as human beings in order that we have to choose sides to fight for and against as incredibly ridiculous as the need may seem… the propaganda machine is always at work like a corporate virus or bacteria bending the wills of mortal powers to the whims of sentient monsters that feel the benefit of our work, but ban us from understanding our own roles in the mess with systematic oblivion… the goal seems to make banal our efforts to seek beyond a situation of subjugated bliss, to make the chains too heavy to lift over our heads, and to prevent us from throwing away the perfectly good biological weapons we were born with… all to protect the say of an enigmatic system beyond our control, or so that is what we are meant to believe, following the path to a proposed acceptance of demise like some kind of officially sanctioned lemming… the cliff side baits us with heavens and charity like we would give a rat’s ass as though it were noble to die with “honor”… corruption of the ideal is the goal in this nightmare reality where we are left humping the leg of glory in the chance that we could find a seat and audience with the gods… there no such dreams but what we imagine to be real, and even then there is no way to assure the others that they are telling the truth to each other… tell them to stop, but the lies work their way through the network of kindness like some kind of game to the leaders of humanity… fuck the damned thing that we eat like razor-thin wafers of martyr skin, and give our lives to the dollar sign as it falls and shakes its branches in dismay at the monkeys’ resistance… what is the thinking creature that has no lies and distraction to look forward to, an angry beast with no memory of what has been done to it, and nothing left but the breaking down of perilous barriers that mean nothing to anyone else but themselves and their cells?… the dirty and nasty traits shot into the culture through society’s veins to affect generations and generations until we defeat ourselves letting those-whom-are-not-to-be to take our places as the cattle… dream slaves that have and have nothing to say about how deep and dark that it has become, even when you possess more than you truly desire to be real, and the hatred inflicted upon the others that are already Here…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on October 12th, 2008 in khet's coroner, n for Nescience.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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