raptures of the deep
crawling the surfaces of this gravity well defining the densest parts for ourselves in each crack and crevice we have discovered taking atoll upon our constitutions as we may first overlook qualifying and quantifying why we do commit to these things that distort our perceptions so easily while washing ashore to some foreign soils that state we are the real alien Here among a people that knows not the damage that they are causing to all of those other sources of information be they animal vegetable or mineral as consciousness knows it can be those other bounds that we as humans do not manufacture that contain our future ideas of true wisdom kept suspended from our direct contact inflicted cause of brutal disruption, the freak out implies what happens when a breakdown of matters occurs deep inside as the water curses us with individual idea versus individual need seeding new generations through the conflict assumed lifetimes ago as an ego maneuver to ransack with doubt the confidential temple of hope and passion found within all of us as a search for a leader or a guide that will serve us respectfully as much that we should do the same, but can it be so terrible to be kindness out of the depths of one’s own heart in uplifting another to their highest potential in the same breath condemning one’s own faults and flaws and follies as well to shift blame to a martyr mode whose scapegoat role assumes all responsibility similar as negative attractor amidst the throes of a passionate argument where all witnesses create a circuit commanding an emotional value within the cosmic sequences we have shared with each other… no Mankind is an island united by discretion taking things too far it seems interpreting the dreams narcotic to enslave humanity in an ever-tightening series of aromatic chemical chains to placate our animal names never known to those who wish to hold an authority over us and our orgiastic existence as believed mythology made a history examined from every era like a pearl on a strand vibrating continuously, stranded Here along with the others to serve a purpose on this byte string theory bending timespace out of habit in cosmic function the trick top hat opening and closing at intervals we have no rituals for to condense or measure this a distinct lagoon floating out there in the real as a swift swirling swoon tunes out for the dervish whirling while rhythms and melodies stream out chaotically though mechanically as the basest order, and as a blood bubble building through this compression layered as dark matters and dark energies encircling together working things unseen by consciousness not acutely aware of this vital viral moving sustaining combinations of a living material explorer left with only a foreign way to explain like an idiot inside a strange land without anything more than the curious quibble to attain some understanding in this way assumed to get loopy once a brain is loosed…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on May 2nd, 2015 in blogging, rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.