
’acro-nimble, aggro-quick, half-jack terrified the drugs won’t stick’… the terror makes all of us sick like a cancer as also a zodiac sign of danger from the strangers caught outside of our range in along with manipulated emotions used against us to feel the loss at subjective source of confidence founded in the individual left spinning under the spell of outrage once it is realized the gimmick of trickery confounding a spirit trying to attain understanding, a relatable calamity propagated by appropriated tricksters earning a pretty penny in order to harness their skills and talents for the new vacant age swallowed hole to fill the rest of this excess with dirt and cosmic dust buried inert like a treasure meant to be discovered and recovered in later ages as the stages of time and space in change and erase previous trails drifting in the sand like stories in an unfinished state, but Here is where we deviate from the programming or at least have a real option to be something different for the chance at making alternate repercussions made like ripples in a pond after the stone is thrown across the surface soon jumping further beyond expectations as preconceived opinions destined to fail by those who do not know better or decide not to embrace an open mind in which to view things by a variable light… as it seems to me enlightenment is what we are all striving to shoot for through our dreams though not in a truly ideal civilization where today a drama of society gathers like a sinister momentum Now summoned up by political ticks and distorted by facial twitches with their cheap false politeness draining the guts out of this nation of saps dripping out purged energies and the victimized citizens whose consumerism changes them into the same vicious predators as the victors who pillage and conquer, we laugh at the jokes that are made in the expensive selling of others as sense of the objective this way a struggling and suffering that leaves us rude as we adjust our perspective filters to fit these cryptic clues into that we are limited by the length of the slaughter that has kept us carrying on for too long as it may be that we are ingesting our ancestor spirits to evolve us into our true names as those of the gods we thought we worshipped to save our destinies, but this is no joking matter when a mantra of materialism has dissolved those greater bonds within our minds and our souls to a chained link offending our sense of right and righteousness that precedes on that darkest night before the dawning light shines on the soul to extoll virtues upon the blessed consciousness of humanity… it is these things that we allow to subdue us, in our stubbornly ignorant dance of who is right and who is wrong and trying to prove that individual truth of these items as facts to be confronted virtuously by the rest of us whether we are cognizant of the ideas and concepts related or not, and then spread these flawed volatile concoctions like bombs among a people oblivious to anything but whatever standards their society has cultivated…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on January 11th, 2015 in blogging, my art & dreams, rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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