Nazis next door.
i assert the mystical inertia of the modern workplace, often times constraining the emotional expenditure of others in favor of the expedient result of motion, and surrendering to a piece of the establishment… estrangement from the copyright to the copy wrong… in this age of television, no one is ruling us but the charlatans play their hand at puppet heads to manipulate the reasoning of a public opinion, a trial by errors in the age of the error proof test, but part moronic part demonic quite a hybrid… i don’t wish it constrained into a chrysalis void in touch with reality, the alien beat waiting to burst from the shell, and devouring all dominions… cookies for the monster in me somewhere deep, feeding the sugars to make it meet my needs for reward as the fiendish retard wants more, but who am i to subdue the human train of thought?… to retrain the superhuman qualities that have become too much to contain through polite gesture alone, a purpose for avoiding the surface glitter of gold and jewel to find satisfaction in elements of spiritual density and worth, and the teething restraints put onto us by our shallow governmental body has reigned supreme until now… when the squalor is revealed for what it is, and the only type of missionaries sent under the hostile terms of confrontation into the unknown are those without anchor or tie to wealth or authority, basically those who are the ones considered inferior and thusly expendable to a kingdom consciousness at war within itself because of the callous crave for gain over care leading to the empty grave for those perhaps too smug to be aware…. but still enslaved to the chain of events in any case… progress working through the evil little tendrils as much as the good to ensure that parts come together at particular conjunctions for best cosmic acuity while dealing with these meddlesome parts on a visceral and subjective stage of development, those that do not conform create new waves in which rules change in the tiny microcosms they have become by contrast to what material interest there might have been less than twenty years ago as a kind of cheap investment Here, and to perhaps prove a worth like the dominant male baboon trying to assert a definite masculine authority to find mates to keep the tenacious line going on under a simply primitive auspice indulging the spirits… now we have faced in the direction of hell as the island we are on swayed from all the weight on that side at once filled with a negative energy oppressing the real sense of humanity we were delivered Here for, as a caustic cleansing agent to scour the earth for all the organic infections there are, and “heal” them with new science while creating a new continuity for the rest of the people to share that doesn’t factor in the hatred so there might be an influence toward positive idealization… a frozen incompetence for true sexuality when stricken with fetish and taboo and secret relations in the dark, but what is this impotent excuse for satisfaction Here, as the innocent are claimed by the ignorant in haste to cull the herd of its tame and unwanted swollen members… the fiends play outright under pious paradigm twist as the truth flies in retreat from this secular thing suckling the being’s spiritual energy out of a greedy lust for life, molesting belief until it molds its own untruth that is built up into a rationalized system as it then begins to establish rules and constrictions to prove and support this alternate reality until a jagged extension cuts up through the unspoken of barriers always at rest until the next one is ready to come in to make personal wishes as fulfilled as possible as long as you realize you always have the capability until you are dead again, but this molested untruth branches and breaks off to reach a state where political intention takes over for the social/ hive idolatry that tests its limits until it too is snuffed out of whatever light came to create life in the first place… not all cycles end this way, but be aware that these cycles are always in motion…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on August 3rd, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, n for Nescience..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.