
an aspiring misanthropist… mizzenmast, the mast aft or stern(tale)tail off a ship’s main mast a tall vertical spar that supports a ship’s sails, or as compared to ‘mast’ in fruit of forest trees(nuts)… acronyms are good use of these terms as well, with MAST as in Multi-Application Survivable Tether in experimental space missions, or MISE in the Mean Integrated Squared Error as applied in estimation of density… another ‘mast’ as in the German language for ‘feeding or fattening’ perhaps with ‘ein’ instead ‘en’ which opens the floodgates for yet more meanings to outpour, there’s ‘einfuhlung’ which means empathy in German, and many things have happened in Germany that we are now neglect to speak of around polite company with zero potential beyond the chit-chat of the social drama playing out in inverted equilateral triangle surrounding the heart as currency shoots through us, ‘mise ein mast’ as in ‘expense on feeding’ or perhaps better translation as ‘a feeding expense’… ‘mast’ as “must” as in divine intoxication as a shaman or participant in rites of passage ‘must’ admit themselves to this ongoing cycle of rebirth as the energy moves between us all, there is only so much guessing one can do before the need arises to remove themselves from this guesspool where misestimates can happen quickly without a word spoken, and we find ourselves functioning relentlessly because we have to do something rather than nothing in the time we have for thinking beyond reMorse code encrypting us in our separation from each other… whether it feels as though a mise en place when everything can seem in the correct setting or surrounding for events and actions, or mise en scene when the illusion is shattered and enlightens that arranging society on stage for yet another dramatic Mystery play onto unfold Here, instead opting for the mise en abyme as ‘placed into the abyss’ or ‘self-awareness’ or just ‘to put in the center’ making this as a final meaning of great importance where misery doesn’t even enter into the picture on human struggle made manifest or real in this personal enlightenment… in this misery literature turning fates into feats and meta into meat poets pondering as the master switch regulates gene expression, embryonic development, or whatever initiates cancer within us and our ceremonies are celebrating these cycles of cosmic music as it has amassed reflected from us all…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on October 26th, 2014 in blogging, e for Esemplasy..., m for Manque.., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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