Gimps of the Mind

Here we are lurking behind the pages where the mind decides to spoil itself as the beast in this skin as sensitive to all the implements of torture is just as valid if not so much more than any of the other necessary theories or quests for primacy utilized by the wandering souls who do the searching and research into this deep abyss called ‘reality’, as it tries to clench its way to the surface thoughts where trains collide at random intervals by requesting only the sympathy of a human mind to observe watching closely as each idea smashes against the others in some smaller version of an atomic collision within enclosed environments though there are many true sources of outside stimulus barely just beyond the echo resonating through bone and human tissue, and any idea is merely that which could be considered perhaps the smallest particle linking between mind and body inside the terrain of civilized anatomy buzzing with the information rooted where no science can reach through neither because of depth nor because of the size but it is as simple as saying it does or doesn’t exist and then to believe with an unwavering clarity in this… the respect for those dolled-up waifs traveling in circles far too distant for me to rotate within as the whips and chains of the soul are bared teeth savoring the taste and the consistency of skin as device of thrilling conclusions and endless romanticism with sensual possibilities pulling some of us along by a leash, and the tightened collar grip the mass-ters tug upon to control this defenseless puppy’s hold on reality becomes much too much while that tightening costume of the gimp wears thin in small increments that make the skin itch for tender mercies or a pledge for forgiveness from those wielding the power over who stays and who goes, but the sweat and the screams for those few brief glimpses helped the victim absorb the terror by indulging in aspects of themselves that has been labeled by some ‘extreme’ as they indulge their tragedy rather than suffer from it by eating the pain each in whatever manner we feel speaks to us as a human being not just reacting to the ebbs and flows of this heathen earth as this is exactly as nature has intended with abominations writhing and crawling about… and not only fantastic boogeymen this time either, but bona fide evil that tries to lead us off the fringe path into the wilderness like some entrancing guru with false jewels of wisdom derived from many kingdoms to suit the purpose, made of tragedy embedded instead of delivered…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on December 11th, 2013 in blogging, g for Galere..., m for Manque.., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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