lost signals of the frozen Mind.
traipsing at a mad pace heckling myself for all the slow steady motion that seems to prevail, this is the state of chaos as i have always feared it to become, but is it really necessary to reuse the negative draw for it to become more of a hassle than it is worth?… what i wish is to dissipate the difficult extrusion into my reality, to begin the labor toward a better whole collusion of selves into one defined mass, but to never lose the various lessons i have happened upon and couched directly in my psyche somewhere deep… the magic lies in the wealth that always stations itself in the primal mind, there waiting for the discovery to recover its power, but each generation has had to claim something unique since the first threads of manipulation were laid down… it makes this personal battle with willing the act of sitting down and writing my thoughts like this seem the slightest bit futile, even if there are those of you who think otherwise to that idea, but Here i am still waiting though trying to get more active with public intercourse of the mind and soul… my problems are no concern of yours, but we all know the cozy lifestyle that envelopes our world is quickly on the down tide except for some extremely elite utopian retreat, so we all need to get over our fascination with this singly vapid and self-destructive direction before we all face a sequence of collapse… my time is precious, but i am precocious with my inner child playing games with my head, therefore directly affecting all those lives in a ripple effect around me like every other mate in check on this bored idea of a free state… the mind reels but witnesses few other options to lurch toward without falling ill as the incredible loses all meaning in the light of knowledge wedging its whole being through the conscious periphery, where there is little actual direct sight ahead of anything other than looking forward to safety, but a deranged ideal made possible by tricks of the mind created by haunted machines as we are allowing instinct to become… part of me thinks you have to sacrifice the childish intent within oneself to consume the next level of thought altogether, but again i realize that these concepts are alternating interests that my imagination brings closer into view, sometimes one needs to explain exactly what it is they meant by all that has been said… a person begins to reflect on the inane periods throughout their strange certainty in living appropriately, curious as to what motive will bring the next day into view, and at what cost will there need to be in order for a sleep of comfort for the anonymous human being is assured… at what stake are our lives tethered?… the leash putting ourselves at a distance from the others through our absurd domestication, just another plateau before the breakthrough sparks innovation again, and the collective humanity takes a further step forward accepting its own kind for what it is really… there are few costs in contrast with the idea of needing freedom of movement, too many steps to carry one forward while leading the will of people astray, and one too many anomalies in one physical place to not promote repercussions in certain directions Here… we start life as such wonderful pets, my friends, but our “masters” must too grow as we grow into the state of self-awareness that eventually becomes the human being we really are… it is Here that we must come to realize there are no masters of the universe…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on April 30th, 2011 in blogging, m for Manque.., my art & dreams, rants & raves, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.