Method: Enslave

~Verse One~

“Something so –in-tan-gi-ble

everything so –strength-of-will

“keep fucking up my -fuck-ing-way

“what was really necessary

“my efforts have succeeded”

“In being repealed and repeated”

~Verse Two~

“Try to keep the –stran-gle-hold

“on my own –self-con-trol

“try to keep mind —from-insan-ity

“we all fall to sickness,



“ Ev-ery-day

I think I am –going-to-die

“but today just isn’t –that-day

“break the standard –sla-ver-y

“but which method –is-right?”

~Verse Three~

“All these thoughts they –dis-ap-pear

“running up and down my –spine-i-fear

“fear to face up

“…to an uncertain future

“fu-tile per-son-al pro-ce-dure”

“Wound needs suture”

~Verse Four~

“Killing the pains –in-my-head

“stained light –of-a-blunt-red

“you know not –what-it-is

to be so tormented

“by your very own –sick-ness-yet”


“ Eve-ry-day

“…I say I’m just –going-to-die

“but today just isn’t –going-that-way

“take out that standard slav-er-y

“fuck which method is right –break-a-way!”

Posted by Johnny_Demonic on December 26th, 2006 in m for Manque.., Minstrellations..., the esque, the MUSe sICk. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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