MANIfold FESTschrifts
in many philosophies there are multiple ways to be true to oneself above all other informed opinions misleading our primary respect for who we are among our fellow travelers Here both gone and present within the same timeline for us to perceive whether by glitch in the programming or through supreme intelligent design, if these windows can allow us an insight into worlds perhaps never realized in our lifetimes it is even though there may be vast amounts of these random ‘feast-scripts’ recorded inundating everyone as the sum of the expressions furnished by sense before they have been unified into the synthesis of understanding, and the thoughts and feelings attached to modes of particulars as perception filters and stains our personal experiences interlaced will and power affecting every other person on the planet through rippling repercussion that interact in tangled avenues taut stark contrast enamored by this archaic system’s odd timing grimy and grimly staked as claim to this great ingathering of many unwashed masses… never to realize their grip upon sanity until the ideal sinks down into vanity awash in all those lackluster visions in pre-manifestion but always on their way somewhere someway it would seem eventually friction written out as eventuality to be harbored inside of this most literal reality bequeathed upon us as the reigning beast supreme by these money-biased bastards and their standards for low wages of living to prevail, under those extreme circumstances of a pressure pushing hard tying and trying the patients whose patience is waning severely like the tragic panic magically availing us of our responsibility to think for ourselves as the stink of all the animal waste builds up into shocking levels in the holy see afloat to disease and to be readily inconvenienced amid indifference crawling through bodies shaking and snaking as lined up among each other, but our words absorbed so sore are just the last resort of the great cosmic shunt provided by a portent of seething forces-at-work somewhat innocuous to behold as only the hand full are ever as able to perceive and receive in the valid truths of anyone’s life time as much their own insightful mind allows because there is no cure for what ails us as much as we may try to procure the virus or venom to manufacture some antidote as means a justified toward an end instead of the ends justifying the means to an end… we go forth in conquest without ever truly realizing what it is we overtake…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on September 21st, 2014 in a for Anagogy..., blogging, dark thoughts, e for Esemplasy..., f for Floccinnaucinihilipilification..., i for Ipseity..., m for Manque.., my art & dreams, n for Nescience..., rants & raves, s for Semon..., t for Tocsin.... You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.