the mythic Man
who is it that sits there among you and i like some predetermined critical eye aware of all the work that a person has to pour into their artistic fuse to awaken the Muse into explosive formatting stitching between the lips that sews shut the eyes after screaming subsided into twitching fits, fusion of fire and water bathing and cauterizing the weeping wounds left after such a betrayal met with the backs of the mortal hand as it bands together with other fists waving in the air to demand an end to the unfair, and the signs are everywhere as the human writhing massive coup swells to spell ‘doomed’ to all those who have already sold their worth for a value they cannot give… we must yield, the Man states in an unsettling way, to the mischief of the Muse who laughs at us through the mirror of our dreams as though to provoke a particular reaction from the empty space looking back at us when we turn our heads into the outward direction… away we are drawn through the mists that the Man’s finger points, into the trees with make-believed humane interest as he does this to the hordes of a human idealism that has left dust and waste in the tracks of this beastly fake of humanoid tastes whose raw animal place has grown out from the earthen crust itself only having bored of the horizontal plane of unfathomable fictitious legends on parade from age to age as locked in a maze never opening to an end, but the easy and atrocious cruelties of the animal are far beyond what it means to just be human any more as it is now a time to embrace the alien inheritance that crawls all over the surface of dirt and soil burrowing for the treasured habitat for other things without names as yet made by this human called Man, the strong arm of general law preventing the ones like us who see the glory at the end of the tunnel where there is no light per say as the grave jettisons directly into the solid matter that births the glorious body built from matter and spirit and mind as an avatar of the many in this magical machine correcting itself whether people wish to deny this incredible motion or not is a prerogative in their hands whether to honestly observe the shape of this existence changing into the next new awareness which is truly quite as ancient as consciousness in the inverted forms of universes carved from the internal “imaginary” experience… who wants to believe the opinion of the bricks at the foundation of this cultural structure we have made that functions to erase the parts that displease it time and again?… whole civilizations eaten alive by the act of Man and his armies of hate and anger and ironic death from visceral accident on some perceived flight of steps towards a view from the outside of the “atlas fear” that encompasses the carcass of the earth and all of its passengers, this star ship was built for us to discover the talents and skills we have incarnated as mortal beings Here of worldly desire as emissary to the cosmic passer-by within us all we refer to as a sense of ‘Self’ the internal social network that this vessel is housing inside of itself transmitting the various channels at all capacities and on all wavelengths all at once… even when unaware of this informative data dump on a conscious level it still becomes apparent that we project onto others our desires and fears as well as all our teeming thoughts and convictions as they try to tear us into pieces to get the data from out of the hidden pockets in the trousers, this universe seems to put in one leg at a time in some resemblance of an orderly fashion for all the dim-witted imbecilic clones of the original out there sitting on their laurels along with their real morality as it spoils any fun we had previously been thinking was ever the validated probability that a social science might one day allow for advance beyond purely selfish drives to match wits with a cosmos ill-bent and ready to handle all upstarts with an iron filing fist in the face of those raise complaint, but this only prevents the most milquetoast from standing up for themselves against this Man who is only stereotype brought to life by the bourgeois trying to erase that line peopled with middle management written all over it who are only allowed to do what they are told when the right people tell them what to do and how to do it properly…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on December 23rd, 2011 in blogging, m for Manque.., my art & dreams, rants & raves, subdued wisdom. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.