a day to Make-up.
i thought this would go smoothly, but it has been rather too chaotic of late as the shoddy workmanship shows through on these my works of art, you do not need to say anything because i know that i tread a fool’s path that sometimes has no sense of direction as need for guidance would be so easily utilized… we might figure the blame to come from our only recognizable source, our parents and respective families to say the least, and it is true at the same time false because of the random attempts to add stereotypes to the list of the known archetypes… however, they do not fit the patterns assumed by these false descriptors, and rather would wish the absolution of their abstract notions for something more plausible to achieve, as the dreams get trimmed down and compartmentalized for the sake of blending further with the daily human atmosphere… those daylight vampires sucking upon the hexed tone of life forcing reality at the mercy of the lifeforms the earth has helped to create, the vampires are further mutations coaxed from the genetic stock of human wisdom which can be both profound, and at once violently passionate to destructive ill-logical statements and compromises toward a goal of vivisected belief and intent for the benefit of the dead-end extension of progression towards the edge of unknown interests yet to behold whatever the cost might be… it feels as though like the grip of sleepy revelry works its way to engorging my brain with a familiar likeness concerning the surreal state of living between polarities, walking along the grey area that lies inhabited by the distorted denizens of the mindscape, and both dreams and waking life meld through the errata of the past as it becomes known present and escapes into the future of the real… we might feel interrupted by the force of satori when it occurs, but it need not halt us in our tracks because we need our trains of thought engrained in us to complete our tasks properly and efficiently, caught in the inspired brilliance of that sudden flash of enlightened awareness… like the comet about to come into conflict with our hollow heads sticking into the sand, choosing not to see the mayhem as it smacks us in the face with a gods’ forgiveness for its pets, and Here i am waxing horribly metaphorical about nothing in particular except for the instinct to speak my mind while i have one… the confusion is worth the challenge for those that can reap the benefits from nonsense, it is Here that the inconsistent pattern of sense breaks up like morse code tapping a trigger in the brain’s grey matter, and it will get more fun as i go on writing though it may seem offensive to read my shite at first… maybe paragraph breaks would mean the world of difference as to actually being interpreted coherently, but few streams of consciousness are succinct in their methods with few people being able to interpret accurately their own sorted feelings on everything… our culture kills those that are not part of the cell, and anything that goes beyond that “god” wall is sacrificed for the intent and purpose of innovative nature, as death is not always that great equalizer for everyone… we may succumb to a gradual subtle integration into the earth energies, but rarely do we realize something before it is necessary to understand how it affects us, the situation falls into our lapse when we are not looking… we can only wonder when we wait for an absolute truth to come about, whether it might seem to come from out of nowhere, or seemed to be planned and attended to at all times as a serious activity… we all maintain our own systems to prevent the shock of the reality Here…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on May 15th, 2011 in blogging, dark thoughts, m for Manque.., my art & dreams, rants & raves. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.