living like a Narco-leper…
the drugs have at times overwhelmed me and reduced my thoughts and actions to mush when it had appeared otherwise firstly getting the hang of drinking and smoking as the body adapts to these behaviors it may not totally agree with even though the mind is mighty in its own idea of casual assessment on what is then to be considered necessary as the stomach churns and mind wavers upon a teeter-totter of tipsy motion that jettisons the momentum through gag reflex shooting chum and chunder everywhere that mouths can randomly aim, these exciting variations soon captivate the user no matter the currency of means that the individual applies whether soft hard or over-the-counter medications as to ease the discomfort of bizarre altered states thought a better alternative to the blackout that hits to defenestrate the helpless mind out of the window of the soul once that threshold has been reached because there is only a tiny spectrum of “good time†before the closing just as hard as the initial launch, but these things are only the most positively effective when there is a respect for the humble qualities of the cherished fix pride burning out those without the slightest developed respect for either plant nor animal only the chase for that mode outside of one’s own specifics to attempt reality testing as personally-divulged tool in assessing a safety and the general attitude of the environment as it crosses our paths Here… restricted by an absent authority that believes itself inevitable to govern the massive of people by stalking all the information superhighways collecting more and more details to correlate between systems of analysis and cataloging when the Akashic record builds any analogous correspondent in the physical realm where we start sharing and shaping the mental formats that form a basic primer for this information networking as pieces filter through the ethers to their relevant sections as then soon the next plateau where an emotional experience is shared and felt interdependently among the whole as single divine entity opening up the heart more than as a muscle, a spiritual center that radiates with an aural blanket that delivers the energy of the cosmos to each individual usually located within the middle of the torso for most though this does not mean that everyone is absolutely the same human bound as we are to these same substances and sharing of experiences relating as baser elements of desire and trust immanent for a beast not to question reality but live through it with all the alert activity needed for that role to function in the proper natural setting, and this is where drugs can grab and distort a unified vision of goals by creating a raft of panaceas and placebos searching for the true ambrosia to restore any lost youth and vigor to a former glory whole in the confidence that asserts the douchebag conspiracy as scripture to those gory opportunists circling as a pack of wolves or vultures waiting to draw and quarter offending martyrs for nothing more relevant than these beliefs minor or trivial…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on June 18th, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, n for Nescience..., rants & raves, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.