martyr dumb

the transmissions are there to interpret like signs on the pathways ahead showing us many states of this art of beings as emitting a constant refresh rate that takes bytes and strives to taint our meat while Here for the moment we have when living creatures on this plane of existence attempting to understand clues that have supposedly fallen from heavens too many fathoms removed from our present reality as we are keeping the gods occupied, these beasts of the past relying upon the adaptation of the survivors to raise their statues and build their temples on up to the stars as landmarks sending appeasement signals from afar to call forth the Others who have the persistence to stand forward taking on all who opposes with animal courage to push defeat onto those enemies regarded as deadly or perhaps resistant of as in how easily they may be caught or subdued, but ending not as the defeated in epic dramatic battles for supremacy as one and then another takes power over the waiting people managed and attacked with no warning or compassion as when a belief in empathy should overtake a rationale to treat your enemy distant from yourself though not necessarily a friend if we could only keep in mind that we have in our stems to roots the reproduction of our mystic vanity that mines the lands with explosive traps and are forces exploiting resources with which to devastate any resting laurels of the world… a fiery emotion in the form of eloquent diatribes doing little to quash any actual pain occurring from these flights of fancy turned fantasy in our idle worship of the dreaming self still asleep and trusting a magical truth to shine bright as the other side of the mirror when it shatters to break loose a backward looping curved feedback into a dimensional diversity that blurs our speculations that only guess at what lies behind this reflective edge, but much as the funhouse mirror with gags and gimmicks and tricks galore all in store for those whom are to happen upon such devices as these through which we are pulled like puppets on strings tugged by how we are perceived to be defined as consequential truth to action triggering movements within as much without us there along for the ride tickets clenched tightly and between our teeth in the ethers deeper as we remain mining with our bare hands dirty and rough guided by our businesses, i cannot seem to agree with the urge to conform any more than as the modern shaman becomes integrally linked as interpreter to their people of the epic shifts mixing and re-mixing master copies made aeons ago in the extreme past medieval and otherwise shaping how we grow in adapting to these shaky lies to whose trust we have given our hearts and minds believing that following leaders presumed were to be better than the lying bastards found out later to be tyrants destroying by slow draining increments this world under the illusion that these directions would benefit our civilization as a whole although the damage has been done…

Thanks, khet.

Posted by :\_khet on January 10th, 2016 in blogging, dark thoughts, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.

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