Issues of the tissues.
they say that respect is ingrained, but i believe in its conception as an alien idea that still works its way through humanity, even through modern crack-ademia… playing the empire game that only empires play and gain to win… win what?… there is no respect in conquering people… the warriors are helpless in their embittered wages, the minimum of which is given while the rest gets collected by other greedy hands, and opportunity scatters its shots out widely… i am pessimistic and critical, but the worst ammunition i seem to save for the self, that entity fused with me that pushes in a direction or lack thereof… a tough hide that is broken on insults, both physical damage and psychological/ emotional sacrifice, and this adds to the vile firmament of cultural reprogramming we all undergo for the purposes of societal assimilation… to be just like the rest when all we really can do is, either relish in the facsimile/ parody that is our own unique perspective on culture, or try as hard as we can to simulate the other that we define as wrong… pushing ourselves beyond the constraints of a normal civilization by reaching for the fringes of ritual behavior, mechanisms of coping qualities that subdue for a time the actual urge to run away, but what we label as obligation or ethic to live up to even as we are condemned for what we do… this indistinct wanting within us all, this perceived war on terror boils down to the individual’s right to perceive all aspects without judgment, and letting this go only if that has satisfactory support for an argument… how does this subjective self get along at the snail’s pace normally accustomed the world its natural lethargic state, but especially with the subtle incremental shift in wisdom to the unsafe bludgeoning act that most people have to get used to make even a meekly existence work for them, though this is the detriment within which our emotional tempest whirls… the lusty desire for the dramatic spill to take the brunt of damaging things, as they collide with those projected comparisons of insides onto others’ outsides, and tortoise shell tough exterior sent signals from harshly crafted vehicle of needs beneath the skin… i need the business ends taken care of, not the relationship blues we’re currently in, but something external to set that enslaved component right… i seem not to be able to see the delight as it jostles its way into the living warp drive that twists our existence together, the ways out of the loop are based upon responsible actions, and there is no answer for those that aren’t able to respond for themselves… the screwed and chopped out layers of animal tricks stacked upon one another, cutting through the inept and naive parts of the fellow human animal, constantly trying to scramble to have the upper hand under control… as the situations call for you to understand the precarious divinity you find yourself settled inside, the comfort zone sucking gently at your willingness to be placated, and the broadcast mind hollows out a place for its signal to leak into… the phantom touch of the hive mind as it possesses the skills to tease you away from your goals, these decadent people roaming thoughtless in abandon, but the words have no resemblance to the actuality of the terrible truth…
Thanks, khet.
Posted by :\_khet on March 23rd, 2011 in blogging, i for Ipseity..., rants & raves, subdued wisdom, world at large. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.
wow. can’t dispute that.